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Primary 4 Computer Studies Lesson Notes

Welcome to Primary 4 Computer Studies! These lessons are designed to take students further into the digital world, expanding their skills in word processing, basic coding, and online safety. Aligned with the 2018 curriculum, we focus on making computer studies both practical and engaging. We’re here to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out with feedback or questions. Happy teaching!

boy in gray shirt using black laptop computer

Explore The Topics

First Term
Second Term
Third Term
computer software,Meaning of computer software,Differences Between application software and system software
Lesson Note On Computer Software - Application Software, System Software (Basic 4)
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to state the Meaning of computer software, Differences Between application software...
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System Software
Lesson Note On System Software (Basic 4)
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to define system software
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Meaning & Examples of Operating System
Lesson Note on Meaning & Examples of Operating System (Basic 4)
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to state the Meaning & Examples of Operating System
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