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Lesson Note on Colours (Basic 1)

Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 6

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Colors

Content: types of colors, identification of different colors

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different types of colors.
  2. Collect materials of different colors.

Instructional Materials:

  1. Colored Objects:
  • Colored papers or cardboard cut into various shapes and sizes.
  • Colorful objects such as toys, fruits, or art supplies.

2. Flashcards or Picture Cards:

  • Create flashcards or picture cards displaying different colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, pink, brown, black).
  • Use these cards to introduce and reinforce the identification of colors.

3. Color Wheels or Charts:

  • Display a color wheel or chart that showcases primary colors, secondary colors, and other common colors.
  • Use the color wheel or chart to illustrate color mixing and relationships between colors.

4. Color Mixing Materials:

  • Watercolor paints or tempera paints in primary colors (red, blue, yellow).
  • Mixing palettes or containers for students to experiment with mixing colors and creating secondary colors.

5. Colored Markers or Crayons:

  • Provide students with colored markers or crayons to draw and color pictures during the lesson.
  • Encourage them to use different colors and discuss the names of the colors they are using.

6. Colored Picture Books:

  • Select picture books that emphasize colors or have vibrant illustrations.
  • Read these books aloud to the students, pointing out and discussing the colors used.

7. Color Sorting Materials:

  • Assorted objects or materials of different colors (e.g., buttons, beads, blocks, fabric swatches).
  • Containers or trays for students to sort and group the materials based on their colors.
Basic 1 lesson note on colors

Content Development: Introduction to colors

TimeContentTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
5 minsIntroductionDiscussionIntroduce the topic of colors.
Ask the pupils about their favorite colors and objects that come in different colors.
Explain that colors are what we see when light reflects off objects.
Listen attentively.
Share their favorite colors and objects.
10 minsTypes of ColorsExplanationDiscuss primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and how they cannot be created by mixing other colors.
Introduce secondary colors (orange, green, purple) and explain that they are created by mixing two primary colors.
Discuss other colors like pink, brown, and black, and their association with specific objects or concepts.
Observe visual aids or objects of different colors.
Participate in discussions.
Identify primary and secondary colors.
15 minsIdentification of ColorsPractical ActivityDistribute colored materials (e.g., colored papers, crayons, objects) to each student.
Instruct the students to sort and group the materials based on their colors.
Guide and assist students in identifying and naming the colors correctly.
Sort and group the colored materials.
Identify and name the colors.
Engage in discussions with peers.
10 minsRecap and SummaryQuestion and AnswerReview the key points of the lesson on colors, including the types of colors and how to identify them.
Encourage pupils to ask questions and share any additional information or examples related to colors.
Answer questions.
Share additional information or examples.
Seek clarification on any doubts.
5 minsEvaluationQuizConduct a short quiz to assess pupils’ understanding of the lesson on colors.
Ask questions related to the types of colors and their identification.
Respond to the quiz questions.
Participate actively.
5 minsNote CopyingWritingProvide the following note for pupils to copy into their notebooks:

Note: Colors
Colors are what we see when light reflects off objects. There are different types of colors, including primary colors (red, blue, yellow), secondary colors (orange, green, purple), and other colors like pink, brown, and black. We can identify colors by sorting and grouping objects based on their colors.
Copy the note into their notebooks.


What are colors?

Colors are what we see when light reflects off objects.

Types of Colors

  1. Primary colors (Red, Blue and yellow)
  2. Secondary colors (Orange, Green and purple)

Other colors like pink, brown, and black are also important. We can identify colors by sorting and grouping objects based on their colors.

Evaluation Questions:

Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson.

  1. What are primary colors?
  2. How are secondary colors created?
  3. How can we identify different colors?

Teacher’s Aide:

  1. Color Sorting Mat:
  • Create a large mat or poster divided into sections representing different colors (red, blue, yellow, etc.).
  • Provide colored objects or cards for students to sort and place into the corresponding color sections.

2. Color Flashcards:

  • Create flashcards with visuals of objects or images in different colors.
  • Use the flashcards to reinforce color recognition and vocabulary.

3. Color Wheel:

  • Create a color wheel displaying primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and secondary colors (orange, green, purple).
  • Use the color wheel to demonstrate color mixing and relationships between colors.

4. Color Hunt Activity:

  • Prepare a worksheet with different color swatches or squares.
  • Ask students to go on a “color hunt” around the classroom or school, finding objects that match each color on the worksheet.

5. Colorful Art Supplies:

  • Provide colored markers, crayons, or colored pencils for students to create their own colorful drawings or artwork during the lesson.

6. Color Identification Game:

  • Create a game where students have to identify and name colors shown on cards or displayed objects.
  • Encourage active participation and friendly competition among students.

7. Colorful Storybooks:

  • Select storybooks that emphasize colors or have vibrant illustrations.
  • Read aloud from these books and engage students in discussions about the colors they see in the illustrations.

8. Color Mixing Experiment:

  • Conduct a simple color mixing experiment using watercolors or tempera paints.
  • Guide students in mixing primary colors to create secondary colors and observe the results.


Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or available resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.


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