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Lesson Note on Living Things(Basic 1)

Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 8

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Living Things

Content: Living Things in the school, living things at home.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify some living things in the school environment.
  2. Identify themselves as living things.


  1. Pictures and Visuals: Prepare pictures or visual aids of various living things found in the school environment, such as plants, insects, birds, and animals. You can also include pictures of living things commonly found at home, like pets and family members.
  2. Real-Life Examples: Bring in real-life examples of living things for the students to observe and interact with. This can include potted plants, small animals (e.g., fish or insects), or even a class pet if available.
  3. Flashcards: Create or use pre-made flashcards with images of different living things. Use these cards during class discussions and group activities to help students identify and categorize living things.
  4. Interactive Videos: Show short educational videos or animations that introduce the concept of living things. Look for age-appropriate videos that engage students and provide visual examples and explanations.
  5. Storybooks: Choose storybooks that revolve around the theme of living things. These books can introduce students to various living things and their characteristics in an engaging and relatable way.
  6. Nature Walk: Organize a nature walk within the school premises, where students can observe and identify living things in their natural environment. This hands-on experience will allow them to connect their knowledge with real-life observations.
animal, cool backgrounds, mac wallpaper

Teacher’s Aide:

  1. Worksheets: Prepare worksheets or activity sheets related to living things. These can include coloring pages, matching exercises, or fill-in-the-blank activities that reinforce the concepts discussed in the lesson.
  2. Graphic Organizers: Provide graphic organizers, such as Venn diagrams or concept maps, for students to categorize and organize information about living things. This helps them visually represent their understanding and make connections between different living things.
  3. Manipulatives: Use manipulatives like toy animals, plant models, or puzzle sets to allow students to explore and manipulate different living things. This hands-on approach can enhance their understanding and engagement.
  4. Sorting and Classification Games: Prepare games or activities where students have to sort and classify objects as living or non-living. This promotes critical thinking and reinforces their understanding of the characteristics of living things.
  5. Role-Play or Puppet Show: Engage students in a role-play activity or a puppet show where they act out scenarios involving living things. This encourages creativity, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of living things’ behaviors and interactions.

Instructional Procedures

Content Development: Living Things

TimeContentTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
5 minsIntroductionDiscussionGreet the pupils.Ask the pupils if they know what living things are.Explain that living things are things that can grow, move, breathe, eat, and reproduce.Greet the teacher.Listen attentively.
10 minsLiving Things in the SchoolVisual PresentationShow pictures of living things found in the school environment (e.g., plants, animals).Discuss each picture and ask pupils to identify the living things.Explain characteristics of each living thing (e.g., plants need sunlight and water to grow, animals need food to survive).Observe the pictures carefully.Identify the living things shown.Participate in the discussion.
10 minsLiving Things at HomeDiscussionAsk pupils about living things they have at home.Discuss and identify examples of living things found at home (e.g., pets, plants, family members).Explain how family members are living things too.Think about living things at home.Share examples with the class.Listen and participate in the discussion.
10 minsIdentifying Ourselves as Living ThingsGroup ActivityDivide pupils into small groups .Each group discusses and identifies ways in which they are living things.Encourage them to think about how they grow, move, breathe, eat, and reproduce.Discuss within the group.Identify and list ways they are living things.Share their findings with the class.
5 minsRecap and ConclusionRecapRecap the main points discussed during the lesson.Ask questions to reinforce understanding.Summarize the importance of living things in our environment.Listen attentively.Participate in the recap discussion.
5 minsEvaluationQuestion and AnswerAsk questions to evaluate pupils’ understanding of the lesson.Give feedback and reinforce key concepts if necessary.Answer the questions asked by the teacher.
5 minsNote CopyingNote TakingWrite the important note on the board for pupils to copy into their notebooks.Copy the note into their notebooks.


What are living things?

Living things are things that can grow, move, breathe, eat, and reproduce.

Examples of living things.

  1. Plants
  2. Animals
  3. Human beings

We are also living things because we grow, move, breathe, eat, and reproduce. Living things are all around us, both in our school and at home.


Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson.

  1. What are living things?
  2. Give an example of a living thing found in the school environment.
  3. How are family members living things too?
  4. How do you know that you are a living thing.

NOTE TO TEACHERS: Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.


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