Class: Primary 1

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 6

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Movement

Content: Throwing, Catching, Kicking of Objects.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Practice manipulative patterns of throwing – catching in pairs.
  2. Mention the dangers in basic movements.

Instructional Materials:

  1. Objects for Manipulation:
    • Balls of different sizes and materials (e.g., foam balls, tennis balls, softballs)
    • Beanbags
    • Balloons
    • Lightweight plastic or rubber objects (e.g., cones, rings)
  2. Visual Aids:
    • Posters or charts illustrating the correct techniques for throwing, catching, and kicking
    • Diagrams or pictures showing the potential dangers and safety precautions related to these movements
  3. Real-Life Objects:
    • Bring in everyday objects that children can relate to and practice throwing, catching, and kicking. For example:
      • Soft toys
      • Rolled-up socks
      • Empty plastic bottles
      • Small pillows or cushions
  4. Safety Equipment:
    • Cones or markers to define safe playing areas
    • Safety helmets for activities involving kicking or objects that may cause impact
  5. Printed Lesson Notes:
    • Provide printed copies of the lesson notes for the students to refer to during the lesson and for note-taking.
  6. Whiteboard or Blackboard:
    • Use the board to write key points, draw diagrams, or illustrate examples during the lesson


Content Development: Throwing, Catching, Kicking of Objects

TimeContentTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
5 minsIntroductionDiscussion– Greet the pupils and recall previous lesson on movement.
– Explain the terms: Throwing, Catching, Kicking of Objects.
– Respond to greetings & Listen attentively.
– Ask questions for clarification
10 minsManipulative PatternsDemonstration– Show different objects (ball, pencil, book).
– Explain throwing, catching, and kicking using the objects as examples.
– Demonstrate the correct techniques for throwing, catching, and kicking
– Observe the objects.
– Participate in the demonstrations.
– Imitate the correct techniques
15 minsDangers in Basic MovementsDiscussion– Explain the importance of being careful when throwing, catching, and kicking objects.
– Discuss potential dangers, such as hitting someone or breaking objects.
– Emphasize the need for responsible behavior
– Listen attentively.
– Participate in the discussion.
– Ask questions or share personal experiences
10 minsPractice SessionPractical Activity– Divide the pupils into pairs.
– Provide objects for throwing, catching, and kicking practice.
– Monitor and assist as needed
– Pair up with a classmate.
– Practice throwing, catching, and kicking.
– Support and encourage each other
5 minsConclusionRecap– Summarize the key points covered.
– Highlight the importance of responsible behavior.
– Answer any questions or address concerns
– Listen attentively.
-Ask questions or seek clarification
5 minsEvaluationOral Questions– Ask pupils questions related to the lesson.
– Assess their understanding of the topic
– Complete the evaluation questions
5 minsNote CopyingNote Taking– Provide the pupils with a printed or written copy of the lesson note
– Instruct them to copy the note into their notebooks
– Copy the note into their notebook


Safety Rules in Basic Movements

  1. Look before you move.
  2. Use good body positions.
  3. Wear protective gear when needed.
  4. Play in safe areas.
  5. Be kind and respectful to others.
  6. Drink water and take breaks.
  7. Ask for help when needed.
  8. Follow the instructions.
  9. Give others space.
  10. Have fun and be safe!

Dangers in Basic Movements

  1. Falling down and getting hurt
  2. Bumping into things or people
  3. Getting too tired and feeling sore
  4. Not moving our body correctly and hurting ourselves
  5. Not wearing protective gear and getting injured
  6. Being in places that are not safe and can cause accidents

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Mention 5 safety rules in basic movements.
  2. Mention 3 dangers in basic movement.

Teacher’s Aide:

  1. Demonstration Assistant:
    • Enlist the help of a teaching assistant or a student volunteer to assist you in demonstrating the correct techniques for throwing, catching, and kicking objects. This can provide a visual reference for the students and make the lesson more engaging.
  2. Peer Demonstrations:
    • Assign pairs of students to take turns demonstrating the manipulative patterns of throwing, catching, and kicking while following the instructions and techniques discussed in the lesson. This allows students to learn from their peers and reinforces the concepts.
  3. Visual Prompts:
    • Use posters, charts, or visual aids that illustrate the steps and techniques for throwing, catching, and kicking. These visual prompts can serve as a reference for students during practice sessions.
  4. Safety Reminders:
    • Create visual reminders or cue cards that highlight important safety precautions and rules. Display these reminders in the classroom or near the practice area to ensure students are aware of potential dangers and the need for responsible behavior.
  5. Individual Feedback:
    • Provide individual feedback and guidance to students during their practice sessions. Offer verbal cues, corrections, and encouragement to help them improve their skills and ensure they are practicing safely.
  6. Peer Support:
    • Encourage students to support and help each other during the practice sessions. Foster a cooperative learning environment where students can provide feedback and assistance to their peers.


Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or available resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: June 26, 2024