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Lesson Note on Non-living Things (Basic 1)

Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 9

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Non-living Things

Content: Non-Living Things in the school, non-living things at home.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify some non-living things in the school environment.
  2. Identify non-living things at home.

Instructional Materials:

  1. Visual aids:
    • Pictures or posters depicting non-living things in the school environment and at home.
    • Flashcards with images of various non-living things for identification.
  2. Real-life objects:
    • Bring in actual non-living objects commonly found in the school environment, such as a desk, chair, blackboard, etc.
    • Ask students to bring in examples of non-living things from their homes (with parental permission), such as a toy car, book, clock, etc.
  3. Interactive activities:
    • Sorting activity: Provide a collection of objects and ask students to sort them into living and non-living categories.
    • “Show and Tell”: Encourage students to bring in their favorite non-living item from home and describe it to the class.
  4. Technology:
    • Use a projector or interactive whiteboard to display images or videos related to non-living things.
    • Online educational games or interactive quizzes that focus on identifying non-living things.
  5. Worksheets:
    • Provide worksheets with images of different objects and ask students to circle or color the non-living things.
Non-Living Things in the school


Content Development – Non-Living Things in the school, non-living things at home.

TimeContentTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupil’s Activities
5 minsIntroductionDiscussionGreet the pupils and get their attention.Recall previous lessons on living and non-living things.Explain the topic: Non-Living Things.Listen attentively to the teacher.
10 minsNon-Living Things in the School EnvironmentDiscussionShow pictures or actual objects representing non-living things found in the school environment, such as desks, chairs, blackboards, etc.Explain and discuss each item, emphasizing their characteristics (e.g., no growth, no breathing, no movement).Engage the pupils in a brief question and answer session.Observe and listen to the teacher.Participate in the question and answer session.
15 minsNon-Living Things at HomeDiscussionDiscuss non-living things found in the home environment, such as television, table, fan, etc.Relate the characteristics of non-living things to those discussed earlier.Encourage pupils to share examples of non-living things at home.Listen attentively to the teacher.Share examples of non-living things at home.
10 minsEvaluationQuestion and AnswerAsk questions related to the lesson content.Allow pupils to respond individually.Provide feedback and clarification as needed.Participate in the question and answer session.
5 minsNote CopyingWritingWrite the important note on the board.Guide pupils in copying the note into their notebooks.Copy the note into their notebooks.


What are Non-living Things?

Non-living things are objects that do not have life. They do not grow, breathe, or move. We can find non-living things both in the school environment and at home.

Examples of non-living things in the school environment:

  1. Desks
  2. Chairs
  3. Blackboards

Examples of non-living things at home:

  1. Television
  2. Table
  3. Fan

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are non-living things?
  2. Can you give examples of non-living things in the school environment?
  3. Can you mention some non-living things found at home?

Teacher’s Aide:

  1. Teacher’s Guide: Prepare a comprehensive teacher’s guide that outlines the objectives, content, teaching methods, and activities for the lesson. This guide will serve as a reference and help you stay organized throughout the lesson.
  2. Lesson Plan Template: Use a lesson plan template to structure and document the sequence of activities, time allocations, and materials needed for each segment of the lesson. This will ensure a smooth flow and efficient use of time.
  3. Visual Prompts: Prepare visual prompts such as cue cards or posters with key concepts or questions to guide discussions and reinforce learning. These visual aids will help students better understand and retain information.
  4. Sample Objects: Collect a variety of non-living objects from different categories (e.g., household items, school supplies, natural materials) to showcase during the lesson. These sample objects will provide concrete examples for students to observe and interact with.
  5. Note Samples: Create sample notes or handouts that highlight the important points and vocabulary related to non-living things. These samples can serve as a reference for students to review later or as a model for them to copy into their notebooks.


 Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.


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