Class: Primary 1
Term: 2nd Term
Week: 1
Age: 6 years
Duration: 45 minutes
Subject: Basic Science and Technology
Topic: Simple Machines

Meaning of simple machines and their uses in daily life.

Performance Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Describe what simple machines are and identify examples.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of using simple machines safely.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate how to properly handle examples of simple machines.
  • Social Domain: Work in groups to discuss and identify simple machines around them.

Reference Materials:

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards showing different simple machines (e.g., wheelbarrow, scissors, hammer)
  • Real-life objects (e.g., ladder, bottle opener)
  • Pictures and diagrams of simple machines
  • Educational videos demonstrating simple machines

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding simple machines is crucial as they help make work easier. Recognizing their applications fosters responsible and safe usage in daily life.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils are familiar with basic machines and their functions from the previous class and in the environment.


To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsSet inductionQuestioningTeacher engages pupils with questions about machines in their lives.Pupils answer and discuss their experiences.Machines are tools that help us work easier.
Step 2: Definition & Examples7 minsDiscussionVisual aidsTeacher defines simple machines and shows flashcards.Pupils observe and name the machines.A simple machine makes tasks easier.
Step 3: Demonstrating Uses8 minsDemonstrationHands-on experienceTeacher demonstrates real-life uses of simple machines.Pupils watch and discuss the demonstrations.Understanding how machines are used.
Step 4: Safe Handling7 minsDiscussionCautionary teachingTeacher explains safety rules for using simple machines.Pupils listen and discuss the importance of safety.Careful use of machines prevents accidents.
Step 5: Group Activity5 minsGroup workCollaborationTeacher organizes pupils into groups to identify simple machines.Pupils work together to identify and discuss machines.Cooperation in learning about machines.
Step 6: Note Taking3 minsDirect instructionWriting exerciseTeacher provides notes on simple machines for pupils to copy.Pupils write down key points about simple machines.Reinforcing understanding through writing.
Step 7: Evaluation & Conclusion5 minsQuestioningRecall and responseTeacher checks pupils’ understanding through questions.Pupils respond to questions based on the lesson.Ensuring knowledge retention about machines.

Classroom Notes:

Meaning of Simple Machines
Simple machines are tools that help us do work with less effort. They make work fast and easier.

Examples of Simple Machines

  1. Wheelbarrow – Used to carry things like dirt or tools.
  2. Scissors – Used to cut paper and other stuff.
  3. Hammer – Used to push nails into wood.
  4. Ladder – Used to climb up high places.
  5. Bottle Opener – Used to open bottle caps.
  6. Seesaw – A fun ride that goes up and down.
  7. Bicycle – A way to ride and go places fast.
  8. Pulleys – Help lift heavy things up, like flags.
  9. Wedge (like a knife) – Used to cut things apart.
  10. Inclined Plane (like a ramp) – Helps push heavy things up easier.

Lesson Evaluation:
To evaluate the lesson, the teacher asks pupils:

  1. What are simple machines?
  2. Give an example of a simple machine you see at home.
  3. Why is it important to handle machines safely?

Note for Teachers Using this Lesson Plan:
Incorporate real-life examples to make the lesson relatable. Emphasize safety and responsible use of machines throughout the lesson. Happy teaching!