Class: Primary 1

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 6

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science 

Topic: Content of a First Aid Box

Content: Content of a first aid box

Instructional Materials:

  • Chart paper
  • Markers
  • First aid box (real or illustrated)
  • Pictures of first aid items
  • Timer
  • Whiteboard and markers

Specific Objectives:

  • At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
  1. Describe a first aid box
  2. List 4 contents of a first aid box


Content Development: The Content of First Aid Box

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction 5 minsInteractive Discussion– Greet the class.
– Ask if anyone knows what a first aid box is.
– Respond to greetings.
– Listen attentively.
Step 2: Definition of first aid box7 minsExplanation– Define a first aid box as a container with medical supplies.
– Show a picture of a first aid box.
– Listen carefully.
– Observe the picture.
Step 3: Contents of a first aid box10 minsDemonstration– Discuss common injuries (cuts, bruises, etc.).
– Show the first aid box.
– Demonstrate items: adhesive bandage, antiseptic, gauze, and scissors.
– Pay attention.
– Watch the demonstration.
Step 4: Pupils’ Activity (10 mins)10 minsGroup Activity– Divide pupils into groups.
– Give each group a picture of a first aid item.
– Ask groups to discuss what item it is and its use.
– Work in groups.
– Discuss the items and their uses.
Step 5: Recap and Conclusion3 minsRecap and Discussion– Review the contents of the first aid box.
– Ask pupils to volunteer and name the items they remember.
– Recall and mention items.
– Participate in discussion.
Step 6: Evaluation 5 minsQuestion and Answer– Ask questions about the lesson (e.g., “What is a first aid box?” “Name two items in a first aid box.”).– Raise hands to answer questions.
Step 7: Note Copying5 minsWriting Activity– Write the key points on the board.
– Guide pupils to copy the notes into their notebooks.
– Copy the notes into their notebooks.

A first aid box is a container that holds medical supplies for providing initial treatment in case of minor injuries or accidents. 

Contents of a first aid box (and their uses):

  1. Adhesive Bandages (Plasters): Used to cover small cuts, scrapes, or blisters to protect them from dirt and infection.
  2. Antiseptic Solution/Wipes: Used to clean wounds and prevent infection.
  3. Scissors: Used to cut tapes, gauze, and clothing if necessary.
  4. Tweezers: Used to remove splinters, thorns, or debris from wounds.
  5. Disposable Gloves: Used to protect both the person providing first aid and the injured person from germs.
  6. Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen for minor pain.
  7. Cotton Balls or Swabs: Used for applying antiseptic or cleaning wounds.
  8. Adhesive Tape: Used to secure dressings and bandages in place.
  9. Safety Pins: Used to fasten bandages or slings.
  10. Burn Cream or Ointment: Used for minor burns to soothe and protect the skin.
  11. Disposable Face Mask: Used for providing CPR or protecting against airborne pathogens.
  12. First Aid Manual: Contains instructions on how to provide basic first aid.
  13. Emergency Contact Numbers: List of important contact numbers for medical professionals or emergency services.


  1. What is a first aid box?
  2. Can you name two items commonly found in a first aid box?

Teaching Aids:

  • Chart paper with definitions and pictures
  • First aid box with actual items or illustrated items
  • Pictures of first aid items
  • Whiteboard and markers


Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or available resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs. Adapt the pace and interactions according to the dynamics of your classroom.

Last Update: June 26, 2024