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Lesson Note on Uses Of Color (Basic 1)

Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 7

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Colors: Uses of Colors

Content: Uses of colors

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Mention uses of color.
  2. Mention areas where color is important.


  1. Colorful Visual Aids:
  • Pictures or posters showcasing various colors and objects associated with those colors (e.g., red apple, blue sky, yellow sun).
  • Color swatches or samples displaying different shades and hues for students to observe and identify.

2. Objects in Different Colors:

  • Bring in objects in different colors (e.g., colored blocks, crayons, colored pencils, toys) for students to explore and identify the colors.
  • Use these objects to reinforce color recognition and vocabulary.

3. Color Wheel:

  • Create a large color wheel with different color segments labeled.
  • Use the color wheel to teach students about primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and how they can be combined to create secondary colors (orange, green, purple).

4. Art Supplies:

  • Provide art supplies such as colored paper, paints, markers, and crayons.
  • Engage students in hands-on activities where they can create artwork using different colors.
Uses of color
A Girl Coloring on a Paper

Teacher’s Aide:

  1. Visual Examples:
  • Prepare visual examples or photographs that demonstrate the different uses of color, such as colorful clothing, artworks, nature scenes, and signs.
  • Show these examples to the students and discuss the specific uses of color in each context.

2. Role Play:

  • Organize a role-playing activity where students can pretend to be different characters (e.g., artist, fashion designer, traffic officer) and discuss how color is used in their roles.
  • Encourage students to express their ideas and thoughts about the importance of color in their respective roles.

3. Colorful Objects:

  • Bring in a variety of colorful objects (e.g., fruits, toys, household items) and ask students to identify the purpose or use of each object based on its color.
  • Facilitate a discussion on how colors make these objects visually appealing or help distinguish their functions.

4. Color Cards:

  • Create color cards with the names of various colors written on them.
  • Give each student a color card and ask them to find objects or pictures in their surroundings that match their assigned color.
  • Have students share their findings and explain how the identified objects or pictures use color.

5. Collaborative Artwork:

  • Provide a large piece of paper or canvas.
  • Divide the students into groups and assign each group a specific theme (e.g., nature, transportation, food).
  • Ask each group to collaborate and create a colorful artwork related to their assigned theme, discussing the importance of color in representing their chosen subject.

6. Multimedia Presentations:

  • Use multimedia presentations, such as slideshows or videos, to showcase different real-life examples of color usage in various contexts (e.g., advertisements, interior design, sports events).
  • Discuss with students how colors are strategically used to evoke emotions, convey messages, or attract attention.

Instructional Procedures

Content Development: Uses of Colors

TimeContentTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
5 minsIntroductionDiscussionIntroduce the topic of colors.
Ask pupils to name some colors they know.
Explain that colors are everywhere around us and are an important part of our daily lives.
Listen attentively.
Share the colors they know.
10 minsUses of ColorsExplanationDiscuss the uses of colors in different aspects of our lives:
– Clothing and fashion
– Art and design
– Signaling and safety (e.g., traffic lights)
– Emotional expression (e.g., using warm colors for happy pictures)
Provide examples and visuals for each use of color.
Observe the examples and visuals.
Participate in discussions.
Share their thoughts on how colors are used.
15 minsAreas where Color is ImportantGroup ActivityDivide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific area (e.g., nature, home, school, transportation).
In their groups, ask the students to identify and discuss how colors are important in that particular area.
Have each group present their findings to the class.
Work in small groups.
Identify and discuss the importance of colors in the assigned area.
Present their findings to the class.
10 minsRecap and SummaryQuestion and AnswerReview the key points of the lesson on colors, including the uses and areas where color is important.
Encourage pupils to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
Answer questions.
Seek clarification on any doubts.
5 minsEvaluationQuizConduct a short quiz to assess pupils’ understanding of the lesson.
Ask questions related to the uses and importance of colors.
Respond to the quiz questions.
Participate actively.
5 minsNote CopyingWritingProvide the following note for pupils to copy into their notebooks:

Note: Colors
Colors are everywhere in our daily lives. They have various uses, such as in clothing, art, signaling, and expressing emotions. Colors are important in different areas, such as nature, home, school, and transportation. We can find and appreciate colors in everything around us.
Copy the note into their notebooks.


Colors: Colors are everywhere in our daily lives.

Uses of Color

  1. Clothing
  2. Art
  3. Traffic Signals
  4. Expressing emotions

Areas where color is important

  1. Nature
  2. Home
  3. School
  4. Transportation

We can find and appreciate colors in everything around us.

Evaluation Questions:

  • What are some uses of color?
  • Why are colors important in different areas?

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs


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