• Class: Primary 1
  • Term: 3rd Term
  • Week: 10
  • Age: 6 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: Basic Science Technology
  • Curriculum Theme: Basic Science
  • Topic: Uses Of Software
  • Content: Playing games, Social activities: Uses of software

Specific Objectives:

  • Cognitive domain: Pupils should be able to list two uses of software.
  • Affective domain: Pupils should show interest in learning about how software enhances playing games and social activities.
  • Psychomotor domain: Pupils should be able to navigate simple software for games or social activities with guidance.
  • Social Domain: Pupils should be able to share their experiences or favorite software used for games and social activities.

Reference Materials:
9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum, Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work, NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work, Online Information, Textbooks

Instructional Materials:
Computer or tablet with educational software installed, Projector or Smartboard, Pictures of children using software for different activities

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding the uses of software in daily activities such as playing games and engaging in social activities helps pupils to appreciate technology’s role in learning and leisure. It lays a foundation for digital literacy which is essential in the modern world.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils have basic familiarity with computers or tablets and have likely interacted with simple game software or apps.


Content Development: Uses Of Software

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minDiscussionQuestion and AnswerIntroduce the topic and ask pupils about their favorite software for games.Share their experiences.Understanding the relevance of software in daily activities.
Step 2: Explanation10 minLectureDemonstrationExplain and demonstrate the uses of software for playing games and social activities.Listen and observe.Learning about various software applications.
Step 3: Identification10 minInteractiveGuided DiscoveryGuide pupils to identify software on devices.Identify and name software.Recognizing software visually.
Step 4: Hands-on10 minPracticeLearning by DoingAllow pupils to use a simple game or social software under supervision.Navigate and use software with help.Developing basic navigation skills.
Note taking2 minWritingSummarizationDictate notes to pupils.Write down notes in their books.Reinforcing the lesson’s content.
Evaluation2 minOral QuestioningRecallAsk questions related to the lesson’s objectives.Answer questions.Assessing understanding of the lesson.
Conclusion1 minSummaryReinforcementSummarize the key points of the lesson.Listen and internalize the summary.Cementing the day’s learning.

Classroom Note:

Meaning Of Software

Software is like the instructions that tell our computers, tablets, or smartphones what to do. It’s like a recipe that helps our devices cook up games, stories, and drawings for us to enjoy. Just like we need a recipe to bake a cake, our devices need software to work and play games or do homework.

Uses of Software

  1. Playing Games: Software allows us to play interactive games for fun and learning.
  2. Learning: Educational software helps us learn new things in a fun way.
  3. Communication: We can use software to talk to our friends and family.
  4. Creating Art: Some software helps us draw and create artwork.
  5. Solving Problems: Software can help us solve math problems and puzzles.
  6. Reading Stories: We can read or listen to stories through certain software.
  7. Organizing Information: Software can help us organize our school work and schedules.

Questions to Evaluate Pupils’ Comprehension:

  1. Can you name two uses of software we talked about today?
  2. What is one software you use at home or school for learning or playing?

Note to Teachers:

Adapt the hands-on activity based on the availability of devices and software. Ensure to supervise closely during the hands-on session to facilitate a safe and educational experience. Encourage pupils to express their thoughts and ensure a positive learning environment where every pupil feels comfortable participating.

Last Update: July 14, 2024