Class: Primary 1

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 3

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science & Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology

Topic: Light Energy

Content: Meaning of Light Energy

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • Define light energy
  • Identify light energy

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashlight
  • Light bulb
  • Mirror
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Markers or chalk


Content Development: Meaning of Light Energy

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minutesDiscussionGreet the students and get their attention Ask if they know what light energy isListen attentively
Step 2: Definition of Light Energy10 minutesLectureExplain that light energy is a form of energy that makes things visible Use examples like the sun, light bulbs, and flashlights to illustrate. Write the definition on the boardRepeat and understand the definitionTake notes
Step 3: Demonstration10 minutesExperimentShow a flashlight, light bulb, and mirror to the students turn on the flashlight and ask them to observe the light. Explain how the light bulb works to produce light Show how a mirror reflects lightObserve the light from the flashlightWatch and listen attentively during the demonstration
Step 4: Recap and Summary5 minutesDiscussionRecap the main points discussed Ask if they have any questions Summarize the lesson on light energyParticipate in the discussionAsk questions if any
Evaluation5 minutesQuestion and AnswerAsk questions related to the lesson Allow students to answerAnswer the questions
Note Copying5 minutesWritingProvide a summary statement or definition of light energy for students to copy in their notebooksCopy the note into their notebooks


What is Light Energy?

Light energy is a form of energy that makes things visible.


Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson:

  1. What is light energy?

Teaching Aids:

  • Flashlight
  • Light bulb
  • Mirror
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Markers or chalk

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style and curriculum or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: July 14, 2024