Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 9

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science & Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology

Topic: Safety When Using Simple Machines on the Farm.


By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Write 2 methods of using simple machines on the farm safely


– Pictures of simple machines used on the farm

– Chart paper and marker


Content Development: Safety When Using Simple Machines on the Farm.

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minsDiscussion– Greet the pupils
– Ask questions to elicit prior knowledge about simple machines
– Explain the importance of safety when using simple machines on the farm
– Listen and respond to the teacher’s questions
– Participate in the discussion
Step 2: Identifying Simple Machines10 minsVisual Aid, Discussion– Show pictures of various simple machines used on the farm
– Discuss the purpose and functions of each machine
– Emphasize the importance of using the machines correctly
– Observe the pictures of the machines
– Identify and name the machines
– Discuss their functions
Step 3: Safety Rules for Using Simple Machines15 minsDiscussion– Present safety rules for using simple machines on the farm (e.g., wearing protective clothing, using machines with adult supervision, etc.)
– Explain the importance of following these rules to prevent accidents
– Listen attentively to the safety rules
– Discuss the importance of each rule
– Ask questions for clarification
Step 4: Methods of Using Simple Machines Safely10 minsDiscussion– Present two methods of using simple machines on the farm safely (e.g., keeping fingers away from moving parts, using machines on level ground, etc.)
– Discuss the importance of each method
– Listen attentively to the methods
– Discuss the importance of each method
– Take notes
Step 5: Evaluation5 minsQuestion and Answer– Ask questions to assess pupils’ understanding of safety when using simple machines on the farm– Respond to the questions asked by the teacher
Step 6: Note Copying5 minsNote Taking– Provide a short note summarizing the key points of the lesson– Copy the note into their notebooks


Safety When Using Simple Machines on the Farm

Safety when using simple machines on the farm refers to the measures and precautions taken to ensure the well-being and protection of individuals working with machines on the farm.

Methods of using simple Machines on the Farm safely

  1. Always wear protective gears.
  2. Do not overload the machine
  3. Make sure the machines have safety guards
  4. Always have an adult around to monitor the operations of the machine


Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson

1. What are two methods of using simple machines on the farm safely?

2. Why is it important to follow safety rules when using simple machines?

Teaching Aids:

  • Pictures of simple machines used on the farm
  • Chart paper and marker

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style and curriculum or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: June 26, 2024