Class: Primary 1

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 8

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science & Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology

Topic: Simple Machines – Electric Cooker and Gas cooker

Content: Uses of Electric and Gas cookers, the differences between electric cooker and gas cooker.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • List 2 uses of Electric and Gas cooker
  • Identify and differentiate between electric cooker and gas cooker

Instructional Materials:

  • Electric Cooker
  • Gas Cooker
  • Chart/Pictures showing electric and gas cookers
  • Marker board and marker
  • Notebooks and pencils


Content Development: Simple Machines – Electric Cooker and Gas Cooker

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minutesLectureIntroduce the topic “Simple Machines – Electric Cooker and Gas Cooker”Listen attentively
Step 2: Uses of Electric and Gas cooker10 minutesDiscussionExplain the uses of Electric and Gas cooker (e.g., cooking food quickly, boiling water, etc.)Participate in the discussion and list uses on the board
Step 3: Difference between Electric and Gas cooker15 minutesVisual AidsShow pictures or chart displaying electric and gas cookers, explain the differences (e.g., electric cooker uses electricity, gas cooker uses gas as fuel, etc.)Observe the pictures/charts and identify the differences
Step 4: Evaluation10 minutesQuestion and AnswerAsk questions related to the topic and assess pupils’ understandingAnswer the questions asked by the teacher
Step 5: Note Copying5 minutesIndividual WorkInstruct pupils to copy the key points discussed in their notebooksCopy the notes into their notebooks


What is an electric cooker:

An electric cooker is a kitchen appliance that uses electricity as its primary energy source for cooking food. It consists of one or more heating elements.

What is a Gas cooker?

A gas cooker is a kitchen appliance that utilizes gas as its primary fuel source for cooking food. It typically consists of a gas burner or more than one burner.

Differences Between An Electric Cooker and A Gas Cooker:

  1. Electric cookers use electricity as fuel, while gas cookers use gas as fuel.
  2. They have different sources of energy
  3. Electric cookers have specific temperature levels, whereas gas cookers only have a range of flame.
  4. Gas cookers heat up immediately when turned on but electric cookers take some time to heat when turned on.

Uses of Electric And Gas Cookers

  1. Electric and gas cookers are used for cooking food.
  2. Electric and gas cookers are commonly used to boil water.
  3. Electric and Gas Cookers are used for Warming and Keeping Food Warm.
  4. Electric and gas cookers are also used for tasks like melting chocolate, butter, or heating ingredients for specific recipes.


Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson:

  1. What are the uses of an electric and gas cooker?
  2. How does an electric cooker differ from a gas cooker?

Teaching Aids:

  • Electric Cooker
  • Gas Cooker
  • Chart/Pictures showing electric and gas cookers
  • Marker board and marker
  • Notebooks and pencils

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or available resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: June 26, 2024