Class: Primary 1

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 5

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science & Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology

Topic: Simple Machines – Mortar and Pestle

Content: Uses of Mortars and Pestles

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupil should be able to:

  • Identify a mortar and pestle
  • List 2 uses of mortars and pestles

Instructional Materials:

  • Mortar and pestle
  • Chart or pictures of mortar and pestle
  • Worksheet for evaluation
  • Notebooks and pencils for pupils


Content Development: Simple Machines – Mortar and Pestle

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minutesDiscussionShow pictures or a chart of mortar and pestleAsk pupils if they have seen mortar and pestle beforeExplain that mortar and pestle are simple machinesDefine mortar and pestleLook at the pictures or chart of mortar and pestleListen to the teacher’s explanationTry to pronounce and understand the words “mortar” and “pestle”
Step 2: Uses of Mortar and Pestle15 minutesDiscussionAsk pupils if they know any uses of mortar and pestle. Discuss and explain two common uses:Grinding food items, like spices, to make them powdery Crushing herbs to extract their juice. Provide examples and demonstrate the usesListen to the teacher’s questionsAttempt to answer the questionsObserve the teacher’s demonstration
Step 3: Evaluation10 minutesQuestioningAsk pupils to identify and explain the uses of mortar and pestleProvide examples of food items that can be ground using a mortar and pestleRespond to the teacher’s questionsAttempt to identify and explain the uses of mortar and pestleProvide examples of food items
Step 4: Note Copying5 minutesWritingWrite the note on the board or provide handouts. Explain the importance of copying the note accurately. Monitor pupils’ copying and provide assistance if neededCopy the note into their notebooksAsk for help if needed


What is a Mortar and Pestle

A mortar and pestle are simple machines used for grinding and crushing. Mortar is a bowl-shaped container made of hard material, while a pestle is a hard tool used for pounding or grinding inside the mortar.

Uses of Mortar and Pestle:

  1. Mortars and pestles are often used in the kitchen to grind whole spices into fine powders.
  2. Mortars and pestles are used to crush fresh or dried herbs to release their oils and flavors.
  3. Mortars and pestles are excellent tools for creating pastes and sauces for cooking e.g garlic.
  4. Mortars and pestles can be used to grind nuts and seeds into fine textures.


Ask the pupils the following questions to evaluate the lesson:

  1. What are the two uses of mortar and pestle?
  2. Can you mention some food items that can be ground using a mortar and pestle?

Teaching Aids:

  • Pictures or chart of mortar and pestle
  • Actual mortar and pestle
  • Examples of food items
  • Worksheet for evaluation

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style and curriculum or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: June 26, 2024