TERM: 1st Term


CLASS: Primary 1


DURATION: 40 minutes


SUBJECT: Christian Religious Knowledge

TOPIC: God the Creator

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1)Explain who God  is

)Discuss the attribute of God

3)Mention what God created

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES:Identification, explanation, questions and answers, demonstration, story-telling

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Holy Bible: Ex 3:6, Deut 10:17, Gen 1:1-27, A chart showing the attributes of God. Youtube: God the creator


STEP 1INTRODUCTION OF TOPICThe teacher introduces the topic with a song on attributes of God. She explains that God is the creator of the worldPupils  pay attention
STEP 2EXPLANATIONShe further explains the attributes of God such as: God  is omnipotent, holyPupils pay attention and participate
STEP 3DEMONSTRATIONUsing a chart and various bible verses she shows the pupils the attributes of GodPupils pay attention and participate
STEP 4NOTE TAKINGThe teacher writes a short note on the board for the pupils to copyThe pupils copy the note from the board


God is the creator of the world.

Attributes Of God

1) Omnipotent: God is all powerful

2) Omniscience: God is all knowing

3) Omnipresence: God is everywhere

4) Holy: God is holy

5) Inviscible: God is inviscible

The creation of    God

Plants, animals, trees, sky, sun, stars, moon, Man

EVALUATION:1)od is the creator of the world. Yes/No

2)God is____ and ___. (holy and inviscible, dirty and powerless)

3) God created_____. (man, nothing)
CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: Teacher marks their books and commends them positively

Last Update: July 14, 2024