• Class: Primary 1
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 6 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: Civic Education
  • Previous Lesson: Gains Of Obeying Rules And Regulations
  • Topic: Results Of Disobeying Rules And Regulations
  • Content: Results Of Disobeying Rules And Regulations

Performance Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Identify at least three results of disobeying rules and regulations.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of obeying rules and regulations in daily life.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Point out pictures showing children experiencing the results of disobedience.
  • Social Domain: Share examples of times when they followed rules and avoided consequences.

Reference Materials

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Pictures showing children suffering from the results of disobeying rules.
  • A whiteboard and markers.
  • A flipchart showing rules and their consequences.
  • Storybook with examples of rule-following and disobedience.

Rationale for the Lesson

Understanding the results of disobeying rules and regulations helps pupils recognize the importance of rules in ensuring safety, discipline, and harmony in their surroundings.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge

Pupils are familiar with basic rules and regulations at home and school, and they have learned about the benefits of obeying them.

Instructional Procedures

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsSet inductionDiscussionShows pictures of children in trouble and asks pupils what they see.Answer questions about the pictures.Rules help prevent trouble.
Step 2: Explanation10 minsLecture/DiscussionVisual aidsExplains 7 results of disobedience using pictures and flipcharts.Listen attentively and ask questions.Breaking rules leads to consequences.
Step 3: Examples7 minsStorytellingEngagementTells a short story about a disobedient child and its results.Share their own examples of breaking rules.Disobedience has real-life results.
Step 4: Note-Taking5 minsInteractiveNote-takingGuides pupils to copy a short note on the topic.Copy notes in their books.Key points about disobedience results.
Step 5: Evaluation8 minsQuestioningOral assessmentAsks pupils questions based on the lesson.Answer questions correctly.Pupils understand lesson content.
Step 6: Conclusion3 minsSummarizationReinforcementSummarizes the topic, emphasizing key points.Pay attention to summary.Disobedience leads to avoidable consequences.

Lesson Content

Results Of Disobeying Rules And Regulations

Disobeying rules means not following the instructions or guidelines we are supposed to follow. This means breaking the rules on purpose or by mistake. For example, running in the classroom when the rule is to walk is disobeying a rule.

Below are some results of disobeying rules and regulations:

  1. Accidents: Disobeying traffic or safety rules can cause accidents.
  2. Punishment: Breaking school or home rules leads to punishment.
  3. Injuries: Ignoring safety instructions may result in harm.
  4. Confusion: Chaos happens when people don’t follow rules.
  5. Loss of trust: Disobedience can make others lose faith in you.
  6. Poor relationships: Not following rules can cause misunderstandings.
  7. Regrets: You may feel sorry later for disobeying rules.

Lesson Evaluation

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. What happens when we don’t obey rules?
  2. Name three results of disobeying rules.
  3. Share an example of a rule you followed and avoided trouble.
  4. Why is it important to obey safety rules?

Note for Teachers Using This Lesson Plan

Encourage active participation by involving pupils in discussions and storytelling. Use relatable examples to help them connect with the lesson. Reinforce the importance of rules in simple and engaging ways. Happy teaching!