Class: Primary 1

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 7

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Computer Studies

Topic: Uses of Computer Hospitals

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • List 2 uses of computer in hospitals

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Chart paper
  • Markers
  • Computer (optional)
  • Pictures or illustrations of a hospital


Content Development: Uses of Computer in Hospitals

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minsLectureGreet the pupils and get their attention.
Introduce the topic: “Uses of Computer in Hospitals”.
Explain the importance of computers in hospitals.
Listen attentively to the teacher.
Step 2: Discussion10 minsQuestion and AnswerAsk the pupils if they have ever been to a hospital.
Discuss the various activities in a hospital.
Guide the pupils to think about how computers can be used in hospitals.
Participate in the discussion by answering questions.
Step 3: Uses of Computer in Hospitals15 minsGroup ActivityDivide the pupils into groups.
Provide each group with chart paper and markers.
Instruct the groups to brainstorm and write down at least two uses of computers in hospitals.
Circulate among the groups, offering guidance and support as needed.
Work in groups to brainstorm and write down uses of computers in hospitals.Share their ideas with the class.
Step 4: Evaluation5 minsQuestion and AnswerAsk the pupils to individually state one use of computers in hospitals.
Provide feedback and correct misconceptions.
Answer the teacher’s question.
Step 5: Note Copying5 minsIndividual ActivityWrite the summary of the lesson on the board.Explain to the pupils that they should copy the note into their notebooks.Ensure the note is clear and legible.Copy the note from the board into their notebooks.


Uses of Computer in Hospitals:

Things computer is used for in hospitals include;

  • Managing patient records
  • Conducting medical research
  • Assisting in diagnosing diseases.

Evaluation Questions:

Ask the pupils the following questions to evaluate their understanding of the lesson

  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Can you mention one use of computers in hospitals?

Teaching Aids:

  • Whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Chart paper
  • Computer
  • Projector (optional)

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: July 14, 2024