CLASS: Primary 1

TERM: 1st Term



DURATION: 40 minutes

SUBJECT: Cultural And Creative Arts

TOPIC: Meaning Of Art

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1) Explain the meaning of art

2) List forms of art i.e drawing, painting etc

3) Give examples of functional artworks and their uses, create some functional artwork.

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Audio visual resources: pictures, real arts, drawing book, pencil, crayon.

Web resource:


STEP 1INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPICThe teacher introduces the topic with the song ‘who is in the garden? ’.Pupils pay attention
STEP 2EXPLANATIONShe explains art as a means of expressing ourselves. Telling the different forms of art such as: painting, singing.She then tells the pupils some examples of functional artworks and their uses such as: walking stick for assisting people in walking properly.Pupils pay attention
STEP 3DEMONSTRATIONUsing pictures, pencil, crayon, drawing book the teacher assists the pupils in creating their own functional artworks.Pupils pay attention
STEP 4NOTE TAKINGThe teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the notePupils copy the note


Art is a means of expressing ourselves. It is a creative activity that expresses imaginative or technical skill. It is a creation that allows for interpretation or expression of emotions. Some forms of art includes: painting, dancing, sculpture, singing, drawing. Some examples of functional artworks and their uses are: cups for drinking, tables for writing, pots for cooking, walking stick for walking, hand fan for fanning.

EVALUATION: 1)____ is a means of expressing ourselves. (art, cat)

2) We express ourselves by ____. (singing, doing nothing)

3) Cups are used for _____. (drinking, eating)

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION:The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books

Last Update: July 14, 2024