Class: Primary 1

Term: 1st Term

Week: 9

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Physical & Health Education 

Topic: Care of the body.

Content: Care of Footwear, Care of Clothes

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • List types of footwear
  • State ways of maintaining the foot
  • Discuss ways of maintaining our clothes

Instructional Materials:

  • Footwear samples (e.g., shoes, sandals, slippers)
  • Clothing samples (e.g., shirt, trousers, dress)
  • Chart paper
  • Markers

Instructional Procedures

Content Development: Care of footwear, Care of clothes

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction to Care of the Body5 minutesDiscussion– Greet the class and introduce the topic
– Ask pupils about the importance of taking care of their bodies
– Explain that today’s lesson will focus on caring for our feet and clothes
– Listen attentively
– Respond to the teacher’s questions
Step 2: Types of Footwear10 minutesExplanation– Show different types of footwear samples
– Discuss each type of footwear (shoes, sandals, slippers)
– Explain the purpose of each type and when to use them
– Observe the different types of footwear
– Identify and name each type of footwear
Step 3: Ways of Maintaining the Foot10 minutesDiscussion– Talk about the importance of washing the feet regularly
– Explain how to clean the feet properly
– Emphasize the need to wear clean socks and shoes
– Discuss the importance of wearing the right-sized footwear
– Participate in the discussion
– Share their experiences and thoughts on foot care
Step 4: Ways of Maintaining Our Clothes10 minutesDiscussion– Show different clothing samples
– Discuss the importance of keeping clothes clean
– Explain how to wash clothes properly
– Talk about the need to mend torn clothes and fold them neatly
– Observe the clothing samples
– Participate in the discussion
– Share their knowledge of clothes care
Step 5: Evaluation5 minutesQuestion and Answer– Ask questions related to the lesson content
– Encourage pupils to answer and discuss their responses
– Listen attentively to the questions
– Respond to the questions asked by the teacher
Step 6: Note Copying5 minutesWritingProvide the pupils with the short important note to copy into their notebooks.Copy the note into their notebooks.


Care of The Body – Care of Footwear and clothes


Footwear refers to the items worn on the feet to protect them and provide comfort and while walking or engaging in various activities.

Ways of caring for our footwears

  • We should always ensure that our foot are washed and properly dried before putting on our footwear.
  • We should wear clean socks together with our shoes.
  • We should make sure our shoes fit properly.
  • We should store our footwears in dry places.


Clothes refer to garments or items of clothing that are worn on the body to cover, protect, and adorn our body.

Ways of caring for our clothes:

  • We should ensure to wash our clothes regularly with clean water and soap.
  • Make sure your clothe is properly dried before putting it on or storing it.
  • We should always store our clean clothes in dry places such as the wardrobes.


Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the different types of footwear?
  2. Why is it important to wash our feet regularly?
  3. How should we maintain our clothes?

Teaching Aids:

  • Footwear samples
  • Clothing samples
  • Chart paper
  • Markers

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style and curriculum or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: July 14, 2024