Term: 3rd Term

Week: 5

Class: Primary 1

Age: 6 years

Duration: 40 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology

Curriculum Theme: Physical and Health Education

TOPIC:-  First Aid

Content: Meaning of First Aid

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Discuss the meaning of first aid
  2. Describe the duties of a first aider
  3. Demonstrate first aid on injured person

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, discussion.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: first aid box, pictures and charts on the qualities of a good first aider


STEP 1 INTRODUCTIONThe revisits the previous lesson on the classes and characteristics of animals and introduces the new topic by explaining what First Aid means- First Aid means the first and immediate treatment given to a sick or injured person before the arrival of a doctor  Pupils pay attention
STEP 2 EXPLANATIONThe teacher then explains the duties of the first aider 1. Assess the situation quickly and calmly 2. Protect his/herself and the victim from any further danger or harm 3. Prevents infection between him/herself and them 4. He/she comforts and reassures 5. Assess the casualty and give first aid treatment 6. Arrange for help if needed  Pupils pay attention and participates
STEP 3 DEMONSTRATIONShe explains and demonstrates the qualities of a good first aider 1. Prompt and quick 2. Confident 3. Skillful and Tactful 4. Sweet tempered and sympathetic 5. Resourceful 6. Skillful and intelligentPupils pay attention and participate
STEP 4 NOTE TAKINGThe teacher writes a short note on the boardThe pupils copy the note in their books


First Aid means the first and immediate treatment given to a sick or injured person before the arrival of a doctor

Duties of the first aider

  1. Assess the situation quickly and calmly
  2. Protect his/herself and the victim from any further danger or harm
  3. Prevents infection between him/herself and them
  4. He/she comforts and reassures
  5. Assess the casualty and give first aid treatment
  6. Arrange for help if needed

Qualities of a good first aider

  1. Prompt and quick
  2. Confident
  3. Skillful and Tactful
  4. Sweet tempered and sympathetic
  5. Resourceful
  6. Skillful and intelligent

EVALUATION:    1. What does the word ‘first aid’ mean?

  • What are the five duties of first aider?
  • State four qualities of a good first aider

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in small groups discuss the qualities of a good first aider

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

Last Update: July 14, 2024