Class: Primary 1

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 1

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Physical & Health Education 

Topic: Accidents

Content: Meaning and Causes, Precautions

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • Practice safety rules on the playground
  • practice proper use of play materials


  • Playground
  • Play materials (balls, skipping ropes, etc.)
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Markers or chalk
  • Pictures or illustrations of accidents
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Notebooks and pencils for pupils


Content Development: Meaning and Causes, precautions

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Meaning and Causes of Accidents10 minutesDiscussion– Introduce the topic and ask pupils if they know what accidents are.
– Discuss common causes of accidents (e.g., running too fast, not paying attention, playing with sharp objects).
– Show pictures or illustrations of accidents to reinforce understanding.
– Listen attentively to the teacher.
– Participate in the discussion by answering questions.
– Look at the pictures and identify different accidents.
Step 2: Precautions to Prevent Accidents15 minutesDemonstration– Explain safety rules for the playground (e.g., no running near the edges, no pushing or shoving).
– Demonstrate proper use of play materials (e.g., how to hold a skipping rope, how to throw a ball safely).
– Emphasize the importance of following rules and using materials correctly to prevent accidents.
– Pay attention to the teacher’s demonstration.
– Practice following the safety rules on the playground.
– Take turns using play materials correctly.
Step 3: Practice Safety Rules on the Playground10 minutesPractical Exercise– Take the pupils to the playground.
– Supervise their activities and remind them to follow the safety rules.
– Provide guidance and feedback as needed.
– Listen to the teacher’s instructions.
– Follow the safety rules while playing on the playground.
– Use play materials correctly.
Step 4: Evaluation5 minutesQuestion and Answer– Ask pupils questions related to the lesson (e.g., “What are accidents?”, “Why is it important to follow safety rules?”).
– Encourage active participation and assess their understanding.
– Respond to the questions asked by the teacher.
– Demonstrate understanding of the concepts learned.
Step 5: Note Copying5 minutesCopying– Provide a summary of the lesson’s key points.
– Instruct pupils to copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
– Ask questions if clarification is needed.


Accident – Meaning and Causes

An accident is something that happens unexpectedly and can cause harm or injury. It can occur when we are not careful.

Causes of Accidents:

  1. Running too fast
  2. Not looking where you are going
  3. Playing with sharp objects
  4. Climbing unstable structures
  5. Not using safety equipment

Precautions to prevent Accidents:

  1. Walk, don’t run.
  2. Look ahead while walking.
  3. Handle sharp objects with care.
  4. Follow playground rules.
  5. Wear protective gear when engaging in sport activities.
  6. Be cautious near road.
  7. Always ask an adult for help when crossing the road.


Ask the pupils the following questions to evaluate their understanding of the lesson:

  • What are accidents?
  • Why is it important to follow safety rules?
  • How should play materials be used?


  • Playground
  • Play materials (balls, skipping ropes, etc.)
  • Pictures or illustrations of accidents
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Markers or chalk
  • Notebooks and pencils


Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.

Last Update: July 14, 2024