Class: Primary 1

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 2

Age: 6 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology 

Curriculum Theme: Physical & Health Education 

Topic: Safety

Content: Avoiding Road Accidents

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  • Understand and obey traffic rules

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Images of traffic lights
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Worksheet


Content Development: Avoiding Road Accidents

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction5 minsDiscussionIntroduce the topic of road accidents and its importance.
Ask questions to assess prior knowledge.
Listen attentively and respond to the teacher’s questions.
Step 2: Traffic Lights10 minsExplanation
Show images of traffic lights and explain their meaning and importance.
Demonstrate how to obey traffic lights using flashcards.
Observe the traffic light images and understand their meanings.
Participate in the flashcard demonstration.
Step 3: Road Safety Rules10 minsDiscussion
Group Activity
Discuss road safety rules such as looking both ways before crossing the road.
Divide the class into groups and assign each group a road safety rule to present.
Participate in the discussion and take notes on road safety rules.
Prepare and present the assigned road safety rule.
Step 4: Practical Application10 minsRole PlayArrange desks and chairs to create a pretend road.
Assign roles of pedestrians and traffic lights.
Guide the students to practice obeying traffic lights.
Act as pedestrians and follow the traffic lights.
Practice obeying traffic lights in the role play.
Step 5: Evaluation5 minsQuestioningAsk questions to assess understanding of traffic lights and road safety rules.Answer the teacher’s questions based on the lesson.
Step 6: Note Copying5 minsCopyingWrite the important note about traffic lights and road safety rules on the board.Copy the note into your notebook.


Road Accidents:

A road accident refers to any unfortunate incident or collision that occurs on the road involving vehicles, pedestrians, or other road users.

Traffic Lights:

Traffic lights help us cross the road safely. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means wait.

Avoiding Road Accidents:

  1. Always obey traffic rules and regulations.
  2. Look both ways before crossing the road.
  3. Avoid distractions.


Ask the following questions to evaluate the lesson:

  1. What does the red traffic light mean?
  2. Why is it important to look both ways before crossing the road?
  3. Can you name one road safety rule?

Teaching Aids:

  • Flashcards
  • Images of traffic lights
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Worksheet

Note to Teachers:

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style, curriculum, or available resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs

Last Update: July 14, 2024