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Lesson Plan On Geography And Environment – Tourists Attractions III (Basic 2)

  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 7
  • Age: 6 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: History
  • Curriculum Theme: History
  • Topic: Geography And Environment
  • Content: Tourist Attractions e.g., Kura fall (Plateau State), Obudu Cattle Ranch (C/River State), National Theatre (Lagos state), etc.

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive domain: Identify and name at least two tourist attractions in Nigeria.
  • Affective domain: Develop an appreciation for the cultural and geographical diversity of Nigeria.
  • Psychomotor domain: Locate tourist attractions on a map.
  • Social Domain: Discuss the significance of tourist attractions in fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Map of Nigeria
  • Pictures and information about various tourist attractions
  • Marker board and markers

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding the geography and tourist attractions of our country is crucial for appreciating its diverse cultural and environmental aspects.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Students should have basic knowledge of their country and its landmarks.


Content Development: Tourists Attractions

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Introduction 5 minsDiscussionQuestion and AnswerIntroduce the lesson by asking pupils what they know about tourist attractions.Respond to questions and share ideas.Awareness of tourist attractions in Nigeria.
Listing Tourist Attractions 10 minsLecture and DiscussionGroup DiscussionList different tourist attractions in Nigeria on the board. Engage pupils in a discussion about them.Participate in the discussion.Knowledge of various tourist attractions in Nigeria.
Locating on Map 5 minsDemonstration and Group ActivityVisual LearningShow pictures of tourist attractions. Demonstrate how to locate them on the map. Divide pupils into groups to locate attractions.Use maps to identify locations.Ability to locate tourist attractions on a map.
Social Significance 5 minsStorytellingStorytellingShare stories about the cultural significance of tourist attractions in fostering unity and understanding.Listen attentively and discuss.Appreciation for the social importance of tourist attractions.
Note Taking 5 minsWriting Provide summary notes on locating tourist attractions and their social significance.Copy important information in notebooks.Understanding the key points of the lesson.
Evaluation 5 minsQuestion and AnswerIndividual ReflectionAsk questions about the lesson content and its significance.Answer questions thoughtfully.Comprehension of the lesson and its cultural importance.
Conclusion 5 minsRecapGroup DiscussionSummarize the lesson and discuss what pupils have learned.Share insights gained from the lesson.Reinforcement of knowledge on tourist attractions.

Classroom Note:

Tourist Attractions in the State

  1. Nike Art Gallery:
    • The Nike Art Gallery in Lagos is a hub for Nigerian arts and crafts, showcasing traditional and contemporary artworks, making it an educational and cultural destination.
    • Aso Rock:
      • Aso Rock is a large outcrop in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. It is a prominent landmark and also houses the Nigerian Presidential Complex.
    • Lekki Conservation Centre:
      • Located in Lagos, the Lekki Conservation Centre is a nature reserve with a canopy walkway, providing an opportunity for visitors to experience the beauty of Nigerian flora and fauna.
    • Erin Ijesha Waterfall (Olumirin Waterfall):
      • Situated in Osun State, Erin Ijesha Waterfall is a natural wonder with seven layers of cascading water. It’s a scenic spot attracting both locals and tourists.


  1. Name two tourist attractions in Nigeria.
  2. How can tourist attractions promote cultural understanding?

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.


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