• Class: Primary 2
  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 9
  • Age: 8 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Period:
  • Subject: Pre-vocational Studies
  • Curriculum Theme: Home Economics
  • Topic: Eating Good Food
  • Content: Meaning of balanced diet, Importance of balanced diet

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Explain the meaning of a balanced diet.
  • List 2 importance of a balanced diet.
  • State 2 examples of a balanced diet.

Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of Work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Course Book
  • All Relevant Material
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks (List your relevant textbook here)

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures of different foods
  • Chart showing food groups
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pencil and paper for pupils

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding the importance of eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health. This knowledge will help pupils make better food choices and lead healthier lives.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils are expected to have a basic understanding of different types of food and meals they eat at home.


Content Development: Meaning of a Balanced Diet and Its Importance

Content (Step 1, 2, 3, etc.)TimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Introduction5 minsDiscussion– Greet pupils.
– Explain the importance of the lesson.
– Respond to greetings.
– Listen attentively.
What is a Balanced Diet?10 minsDiscussion– Show pictures of different foods.
– Discuss what a balanced diet means.
– Identify the foods shown
– Share their ideas on a balanced diet.
Importance of a Balanced Diet5 minsStorytelling– Tell a story or share examples of why eating a balanced diet is important.
– Discuss two key importance of a balanced diet:
– Listen to the story/examples.
– Participate in the discussion.
Examples of a Balanced Diet10 minsGroup Activity– Use a chart to show food groups.– Identify examples of foods from each group.
Evaluation5 minsQuestion and Answer– Ask questions related to the lesson (e.g., “What is a balanced diet?”).– Answer questions individually.
Note Copying5 minsWriting– Provide key points to copy in notebooks.– Copy the notes.

Note to Pupils:

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet means eating different types of healthy foods every day.

Importance of balanced diet

  1. Healthy Growth: Eating a balanced diet helps you grow properly. It makes your bones strong and helps you become taller and stronger.
  2. Energy: A balanced diet gives you the energy to play, run, and do all the fun things you love. It keeps you active and not tired all the time.
  3. Stronger Immune System: When you eat good food, your body can fight off germs and illnesses better. It helps you stay healthy and not get sick easily.
  4. Happy Tummy: Eating a balanced diet helps your stomach feel happy and not hurt. It keeps your tummy feeling good and comfortable.

Examples of balanced diet

1. Fruits

2. Vegetables

3. Grains

4. Protein foods

5. Dairy products.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does a balanced diet mean?
  2. Why is eating a balanced diet important?
  3. Can you give an example of a food from each food group in a balanced diet?

Note to Teachers:

Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources. Ensure to use visuals and simple language to make the lesson engaging and easy to understand for the pupils.

Last Update: July 14, 2024