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Security Agencies And Their Primary Duties; Vigilante Group (Primary 2)

  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: 3rd Term
  • Week: 10
  • Age: 8 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: National Values Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Security Education
  • Previous Lesson: Security Agencies And Their Duties; NPC (Nigeria Prisons Commission)
  • Topic: Security Agencies And Their Duties; Vigilante Group

Performance Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Define what a Vigilante Group is.
  • Affective Domain: Express the importance of this Group in their community.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Role-play a scenario demonstrating the duties of the Group.
  • Social Domain: Discuss how they can assist this Group in their neighborhood.

Reference Materials:

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Pictures of Vigilante Group members in action
  • Chart showing the duties of the Group
  • Role-play costumes
  • Flashcards with key terms

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding Vigilante Group, the meaning , duties and formation is crucial as it helps pupils appreciate community security efforts. This knowledge is relevant in daily life as it promotes awareness and encourages supportive behavior towards local security measures.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with the roles of the Nigeria Prisons Commission and other security agencies from previous lessons.


Learning Area: Security Agencies And Their Duties; Vigilante Group

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsDiscussionSet InductionAsk pupils about security agencies they know and introduce the topic.Pupils share their thoughts on known security agencies.Pupils are introduced to the new topic.
Step 2: Meaning of Vigilante Group5 minsExplanationInteractive TeachingExplain what a Vigilante Group is with examples.Listen and ask questions for clarity.Pupils understand the definition.
Step 3: Duties of Vigilante Group10 minsStorytellingVisual AidsShow pictures and tell stories about the duties of Vigilante Groups.Observe pictures and listen to the stories.Pupils learn about the five main duties of this Group.
Step 4: Formation of Vigilante Group5 minsDemonstrationRole-PlayingExplain how Vigilante Groups are formed and organize a role-play.Participate in the role-play demonstrating formation of Vigilante Groups.Pupils understand how the Group is formed.
Step 5: Note Taking5 minsWritingGuided PracticeGuide pupils to write notes on the topic.Write down the notes in their notebooks.Pupils consolidate their understanding by writing notes.
Step 6: Evaluation5 minsQuestioningRecap and ReviewAsk questions to assess understanding.Answer the questions based on what they have learned.Pupils’ comprehension of the topic is evaluated.
Step 7: Conclusion5 minsSummaryReinforcementSummarize the lesson and emphasize the importance of Vigilante Groups.Listen and ask any remaining questions.Pupils receive a comprehensive recap of the lesson.

Lesson Content

Security Agencies And Their Primary Duties; Vigilante Group

This is a local security team made up of community members who work together to keep their neighborhood safe. They help prevent crime and ensure that everyone in the community feels secure.


  1. Patrolling the community: They walk or drive around the area to watch for any suspicious activities.
  2. Reporting crimes: They inform the police or other security agencies about any crimes they witness.
  3. Assisting in emergencies: They help during emergencies, such as fires or accidents, until professional help arrives.
  4. Resolving minor disputes: They help settle small arguments or fights among community members.
  5. Educating the community: They teach people about safety measures and how to protect themselves.
Security Agencies And Their Primary Duties; Vigilante Group
“Vigilantes” by Oscar in the middle is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


A Vigilante Group is usually formed by community members who volunteer to work together to improve security. They may receive training from the police or other security agencies to perform their duties effectively.

Lesson Evaluation:

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. What is a Vigilante Group?
  2. List three duties of a Vigilante Group.
  3. How is a Vigilante Group formed?
  4. Why are Vigilante Groups important in our community?
  5. Can you describe a situation where you might see a Vigilante Group in action?

Note for teachers using my lesson plan:
Hi there, remember that I didn’t make this lesson plan with any particular class or teacher in mind and I tried as much as possible with my experience and expertise to deliver this plan in a standard and effective style utilizing the best strategy and methods. Nevertheless, you are free to customize the lesson content, teaching methods, timing and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, pupils comprehension, curriculum, and resources available to you. Happy teaching!


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