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Lesson Note On Examples Of Harmful Substances (Basic 2)

Class: Primary 2
Term: 3rd Term
Week: 5
Age: 8 years
Duration: 40 minutes

Subject: National Value Education
Curriculum Theme: Social Studies
Previous Lesson: Meaning Of Harmful Substances
Topic: Examples Of Harmful Substances
Content: Examples Of Harmful Substances

Performance Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Identify and list various harmful substances.
  • Affective Domain: Show understanding of the dangers associated with harmful substances.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate ways to avoid harmful substances.
  • Social Domain: Discuss with peers the importance of avoiding harmful substances and share personal experiences if any.

Reference Materials:
The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:
The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Pictures of harmful substances
  • Videos showing the effects of harmful substances
  • Real-life examples and stories related to harmful substances

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding examples of harmful substances and the effects they have on our bodies and environment is crucial for safety and health. This knowledge empowers students to make informed decisions and helps them to develop responsible habits as they grow.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Students are expected to understand basic health and safety concepts, such as what it means to be safe and why we should avoid things that can harm us.


Learning Area: Examples Of Harmful Substances

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupil’s ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction (Set Induction)5 minsDiscussionInquiry-based learningExplain what harmful substances are, using simple examples.Listen and think of any substances they know.Understand the concept of harmful substances.
Step 2: Listing examples10 minsDemonstrationVisual aidsShow pictures and videos of harmful substances.Identify and name substances from visuals.Recognize different harmful substances.
Step 3: Discussing the effects10 minsGroup DiscussionCooperative learningGuide a discussion on the dangers of these substances.Share thoughts and ask questions about the effects.Grasp the dangers associated with harmful substances.
Step 4: Prevention strategies10 minsRole PlayActive learningDemonstrate how to avoid harmful substances.Participate in role-play scenarios on avoiding danger.Learn methods to avoid harmful substances.
Step 5: Conclusion5 minsSummaryRecapSummarize the key points of the lesson.Recap and ask questions if unclear.Reinforce learning on harmful substances.

Classroom Note:

Examples Of Harmful Substances

Some examples of harmful substances includes the following;

  1. Cigarettes: Smoking or inhaling smoke can harm almost every organ in your body.
  2. Alcohol: Drinking too much can damage your liver and affect how your brain works.
  3. Drugs like cocaine and heroin: These are very dangerous and can make people very sick.
  4. Household chemicals: Products like bleach and ammonia should never be touched or inhaled as they can be poisonous.
  5. Pollution: Smoke or chemicals in the air and water can make us unhealthy.

Lesson Evaluation:
To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Name three harmful substances discussed today.
  2. Explain why it is important to avoid harmful substances.
  3. Demonstrate one way we can avoid coming into contact with a harmful substance.

Note for teachers using my lesson plan:
Hi there, remember that I didn’t make this lesson plan with any particular class or teacher in mind and I tried as much as possible with my experience and expertise to deliver this plan in a standard and effective style utilizing the best strategy and methods. Nevertheless, you are free to customize the lesson content, teaching methods, timing, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, pupils’ comprehension, curriculum, and resources available to you. Happy teaching!


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