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Lesson Note on Greeting And Respecting Elders In Our Culture (Basic 2)

Term: 1st Term

Week: 8

Class: Basic 2

Age: 8 years

Duration: 45 minutes


Curriculum Theme: Social Studies 

Subject: National Value Education 

Topic: Greeting And Respecting Elders In Our Culture 

Content: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening

Instructional Materials:

  • Chart paper
  • Markers
  • Flashcards with greetings
  • Pictures depicting different times of the day
  • Real-life examples of greetings
  • Whiteboard and markers

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to identify more ways of greeting in our culture (Nigeria).

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils should already be familiar with basic greetings like “hello” and “hi”.

It’s important for pupils to understand and appreciate their cultural values, including how to greet and show respect to elders in Nigeria.


Content Development: Greeting And Respecting Elders In Our Culture (Nigeria)

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Step 1: Introduction 5 minDiscussion– Greet pupils and ask if they know any greetings in Nigeria.
– Discuss the importance of greeting and respecting elders.
– Respond to the teacher’s greeting.
– Listen attentively.
Step 2: Explaining Greetings 10 minExplanation & Discussion– Introduce “good morning,” “good afternoon,” and “good evening.”
– Show flashcards and pictures of different times of the day.
– Explain when to use each greeting.
– Look at the flashcards and pictures.
– Repeat the greetings after the teacher.
Step 3: Examples 10 minDemonstration– Give examples of each greeting in sentences.
– Use real-life scenarios to demonstrate proper usage.
– Listen to the examples.
– Practice saying the greetings.
Step 4: Role Play 5 minActivity– Divide the class into pairs.
– Assign each pair a different time of the day.
– Have them role-play greeting each other using the appropriate greeting.
– Practice role-playing greetings with their partner.
Step 5: Recap and Discussion 5 minRecap & Discussion– Summarize the lesson briefly.
– Ask pupils to share what they’ve learned.
– Volunteer to share what they’ve learned.
– Listen to others.
Step 6: Evaluation 5 minQuestion & Answer– Ask questions like: “What do you say in the morning to greet someone?”
– “When do we use ‘good afternoon’?”
– Raise their hands to answer the questions.
Step 7: Note Copying5 minWriting– Provide pupils with a prepared note summarizing the lesson content.
– Guide them as they copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.


Greeting And Respecting Elders In Our Culture 

In our culture, we have various ways to greet and show respect to our elders.

  • In the morning, we say good morning.
  • In the afternoon, we use good afternoon
  • In the evening, we say good evening.

It’s important to greet and show respect to elders because it reflects our cultural values.


  1. What do you say in the morning to greet someone?
  2. When do we use the greeting “good afternoon”?
  3. Why is it important to greet and show respect to elders?

Teaching Aids:

  • Chart paper with greetings
  • Flashcards with different times of the day
  • Pictures illustrating greetings
  • Real-life examples of greetings

Please note that the actual content of the lesson, teaching methods, and pupil activities may vary based on your specific teaching style and curriculum or resources. Feel free to customize the lesson note to fit your needs.


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