• Class: Primary 3
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 8 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: Pre Vocational Studies
  • Curriculum Theme: Agricultural Science
  • Topic: Plant Protein
  • Content: Plant Protein

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Define plant protein.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of plant protein in daily nutrition.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Identify and list two examples of plants that are sources of protein.
  • Social Domain: Participate in a class discussion on the significance of plant protein in social activities.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures of plants rich in protein
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart or diagram illustrating plant protein sources
  • Plant protein examples (beans, peas, etc.)

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding plant protein is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. It connects to the broader theme of Agricultural Science and the importance of plants in human nutrition.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Students should have basic knowledge of different food groups and their importance.


Content Development: Plant Protein

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Introduction 5 minsDiscussionQuestion and AnswerAsk pupils if they know what plant protein is.Respond to questions and share their ideas.Understand the concept of plant protein.
Definition of Plant Protein 10 minsExplanationGuided DiscoveryDefine plant protein and provide examples.Listen attentively and ask questions for clarification.Know the meaning of plant protein.
Importance of Plant Protein 5 minsDiscussionGroup DiscussionDiscuss the importance of plant protein in nutrition.Participate in group discussions and share opinions.Appreciate the significance of plant protein.
Examples of Plant Protein 5 minsDemonstrationShow and TellDisplay pictures or samples of plants rich in protein.Observe and identify examples of plant protein sources.Identify examples of plants that are sources of protein.
Class Discussion 5 minsGroup ActivityThink-Pair-ShareInitiate a class discussion on plant protein.Engage in small group discussions and share thoughts.Participate actively in discussing plant protein.
Note Taking 5 minsWriting Guided Note TakingProvide key points for note-taking on plant protein.Take notes on plant protein in their notebooks.Summarize important information on plant protein.
Evaluation 3 minsQuestion and AnswerQuizAsk questions related to plant protein and its sources.Answer questions individually.Assess understanding of plant protein.
Conclusion2 minsRecapRecap and SummarySummarize the key points of the lesson.Share one thing they’ve learned during the lesson.Reinforce understanding of plant protein.

Classroom Note:

Plant Protein

Plant protein are nutrients found in plants that helps our bodies grow and stay healthy.

Examples of Plants with Protein:

  1. Beans
  2. Peas
  3. Lentils
  4. Nuts
  5. Soybeans

Importance Of Including Plant Protein In Our Diet

  1. Nutrient Rich:
    • Plant proteins are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
  2. Healthy Growth and Development:
    • Plant proteins play a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of children.
  3. Digestive Health:
    • Plant proteins often come with dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and preventing issues like constipation.
  4. Weight Management:
    • Including plant proteins in the diet can aid in weight management.
  5. Disease Prevention:
    • Plant-based diets rich in plant proteins have been associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, contributing to long-term health.

Questions for Evaluation:

  1. What is plant protein?
  2. Can you name three plants that are sources of protein?

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024