Class: Primary 3
Term: 1st Term
Week: 6
Age: 8 years
Duration: 45 minutes
Subject: Basic Science & Technology
Curriculum Theme: Basic Science
Topic: AIR – Air in Motion


  • Meaning of wind
  • Effects and importance of wind
  • Sound traveling in air

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Define wind and differentiate between wind and breeze.
  • List 2 effects and importance of wind.
  • Describe how sound travels in the air.
  • Use paper or hand fan to show air in motion.
  • Make and fly paper kites.

Instructional Materials:

  • Paper or polythene kites
  • Hand fan
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Notebooks and pens
  • Paper, Glue, Scissors, yarns/ropes

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding air in motion is essential because it helps us comprehend natural phenomena like wind and sound. It also connects with our daily experiences, especially when we feel the wind or hear sounds.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils have a basic understanding of air as something we breathe and might have felt the wind before.


Content Development: AIR – Air in Motion

Content (Steps)TimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Introduction5 minsDiscussion– Begin by asking pupils if they have felt the wind before and what it felt like.
– Define wind as the movement of air. Mention that wind can be gentle or strong and explain the difference between wind and breeze.
– Share their experiences with the wind.
– Listen to the definition and differences.
Effects of Wind10 minsDiscussion & Activity– Discuss the effects of wind (e.g., blowing objects, making trees sway, drying clothes).
– Conduct a simple activity: Use a hand fan to show how air moves objects.
– Share their observations about the effects of wind.
– Participate in the hand fan activity.
Importance of Wind10 minsDiscussion– Discuss the importance of wind (e.g., spreading seeds, birds flying, providing coolness on a hot day, generating electricity).– Share their thoughts on the importance of wind.
Sound Traveling in Air10 minsDiscussion & Demonstration– Explain that air is necessary for us to hear sounds and that sound travels in waves.
– Demonstrate how sound waves travel through the air using a tuning fork or clapping hands.
– Listen to the explanation and demonstration.
– Ask questions if they have any.
Class Discussion5 minsGroup Discussion– Initiate a class discussion about the lesson’s key points, asking pupils to summarize what they’ve learned about wind and sound traveling in the air.– Share their understanding of the lesson’s key points.
– Engage in discussions.
Note to Pupils – Wind2 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note summarizing the definition of wind and its difference from breeze.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Note to Pupils – Importance of Wind2 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note summarizing the importance of wind.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Note to Pupils – Sound Traveling in Air2 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note summarizing how sound travels in the air.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Conclusion2 minsRecap & Reflection– Summarize the main points about wind and sound traveling in the air.
– Ask pupils to reflect on an experience related to wind or sound they’ve had.
– Listen to the summary.
– Share their reflections on wind or sound experiences.
Evaluation2 minsQuestion & Answer– Ask questions to assess pupils’ comprehension of the lesson, focusing on the definition of wind, its effects, importance, and how sound travels in the air.– Participate in answering questions.
– Share their understanding.

Note to Pupils –

Wind is the movement of air. It can be gentle or strong. Remember, wind is different from a breeze, which is a light and gentle wind.

Importance of Wind:
Wind is essential because it helps spread seeds, helps birds & airplanes fly, cools us down on hot days, and can even generate electricity.

Sound Traveling in Air:
Air is needed for us to hear sounds. Sound travels in waves through the air, like ripples in water.

Today, we’ve learned that wind is the movement of air, and it can have various effects and importance in our lives. We’ve also discovered that air is essential for us to hear sounds, and sound travels through the air in waves.


  1. What is wind, and how is it different from a breeze?
  2. Can you name some effects of wind?
  3. Why is wind important?
  4. How does sound travel in the air?

Teaching Aids:

  • Hand fan
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Notebooks and pens
  • Audio-Visual materials on the effect of wind

Note to Teachers:
Feel free to customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024