• Class: Primary 3
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 8 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: Basic Science Technology
  • Curriculum Theme: Basic Science
  • Topic: Characteristics Of Underdeveloped Technology
  • Content: Uses of products of underdeveloped technology.

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive domain: List characteristics of underdeveloped technology.
  • Affective domain: Express an appreciation for different technological levels.
  • Psychomotor domain: Demonstrate the use of products from underdeveloped technology.
  • Social domain: Discuss the social activities related to the uses of products from underdeveloped technology.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures or samples of products from underdeveloped technology
  • Chart or board for listing characteristics
  • Interactive whiteboard or projector
  • Markers

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding the characteristics of underdeveloped technology and the uses of its products is crucial for appreciating technological advancements and their impact on society.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Students should have a basic understanding of what technology is and its role in daily life.


Content Development: Characteristics Of Underdeveloped Technology

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeachers ActivityPupils ActivityLearning Point
Introduction5 minsDiscussionQuestion and AnswerAsk students about things they use daily and discuss their technology level.Respond to questions and share their thoughts.Identify different levels of technology.
Characteristics10 minsPresentationVisualizationIntroduce characteristics of underdeveloped technology. Use visuals to aid understanding.Observe and ask questions.Understand the features of underdeveloped technology.
Uses of Products10 minsGroup ActivityGroup DiscussionDivide students into groups. Provide pictures or samples of products from underdeveloped technology. Discuss and list uses.Discuss and list the uses in their groups.Identify uses of products from underdeveloped technology.
Social Activities5 minsInteractive DiscussionRole PlayDiscuss social activities related to the uses of products from underdeveloped technology.Participate in a role play depicting social activities.Understand the social impact of underdeveloped technology.
Note Taking 5 minsWriting Provide a summary of key points for note-taking.Take notes in their notebooks.Summarize the key characteristics and uses.
Evaluation 2 minsQuestion and AnswerAsk questions related to characteristics and uses.Respond to questions individually.Assess understanding of the topic.
Conclusion 3 minsRecapSummarize the lesson and emphasize its importance.Share their thoughts on the lesson.Reinforce the key points of the lesson.

Classroom Note:

Characteristics of Underdeveloped Technology:

  • Limited technological advancements.
  • Low automation
  • Limited access to information

Uses of Products Of Underdeveloped Technology:

  1. Basic Tools for Daily Tasks:
    • Examples: Handheld tools for farming, cooking, and crafting.
  2. Simple Agricultural Equipment:
    • Examples: Wooden plows, manual seed planters for basic farming activities.
  3. Traditional Domestic Equipment:
    • Examples: Hand-operated mills, manual water pumps for domestic purposes.
  4. Handcrafted Artifacts:
    • Examples: Handwoven textiles, handmade pottery.
  5. Primitive Construction Materials:
    • Examples: Mud bricks, thatch for roofing in traditional construction.


  1. List two characteristics of underdeveloped technology.
  2. Discuss one social activity related to the uses of products from underdeveloped technology.

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024