Class: Primary 3

Term: 1st Term

Week: 4

Age: 8 years

Duration: 45 minutes

Date: Subject: Basic Science & Technology

 Curriculum Theme: Basic Science

Topic: Measurement of Time


  1. Definition of time
  2. Modern methods to tell time
  3. Olden methods to tell time

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Define time
  • Identify modern methods of measuring time
  • Understand and list olden methods of measuring time

Instructional Materials:

  • Chart for teaching time
  • Pictures or diagrams of traditional timekeeping methods
  • Pictures or models of modern timekeeping devices
  • Wall clock or wristwatch
  • Stopwatch (if available)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Notebooks and pens

Rationale for the Lesson: Understanding how time is measured is essential in daily life for scheduling activities, being punctual, and organizing tasks efficiently.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge: Pupils have a basic understanding of time and may be familiar with some common timekeeping methods like wall clocks and wristwatches.


Content Development: Measurement of Time

Content (Steps)TimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Introduction5 minsDiscussion/Set Induction– Begin by asking pupils if they know what time is and why it’s important.
– Discuss the importance of knowing how to measure time in daily life.
– Share their understanding of time.
– Express their thoughts on why time is important.
Defining Time7 minsExplanation/Planned Repetition – Define time as the measurement of when events happen.
– Use a chart or visual aid to explain how we divide time into hours, minutes, and seconds.
– Listen to the definition and explanation.
– Pay attention to the chart or visual aid.
Modern Methods7 minsDiscussion & Demonstration– Present modern timekeeping devices (wall clock, wristwatch, stopwatch).
– Explain how these devices work and how they help us measure time accurately.
– Observe the devices.
– Ask questions and discuss modern methods.
Traditional Methods7 minsDiscussion & Demonstration– Show pictures or models of traditional timekeeping methods (e.g., sundial, water clock).
– Explain how people used these methods in the past to tell time.
– Observe pictures or models.
– Participate in discussions about traditional methods.
Class Discussion5 minsGroup Discussion– Initiate a class discussion on olden methods and how they compare to modern methods.
– Encourage pupils to share their thoughts on which methods they find more useful today.
– Share their insights and preferences regarding timekeeping methods.
– Engage in discussions.
Note Taking5 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note summarizing key points about measuring time traditionally and with modern methods.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Conclusion3 minsRecap & Reflection– Summarize the main points about measuring time using olden and modern methods.
– Ask pupils to reflect on how understanding time can help them in daily life.
– Listen to the summary.
– Share their reflections on using time effectively.
Evaluation6 minsQuestion & Answer– Ask questions to assess pupils’ comprehension of the topic.
– Encourage pupils to describe a situation where they need to be on time.
– Participate in answering questions.
– Share scenarios where they need to be punctual.

Note to Pupils: 


Time is when we measure when events happen.

Time helps us know when things happen, like when we wake up, go to school, and have fun. 

Olden Methods of telling time included things like:

  1. Watching the position of the sun in the sky.
  2. Listening to the crow of the cock (rooster) in the morning.
  3. Observing the shadows cast by objects.
  4. Using hourglasses that let sand flow from one part to another.
  5. Lighting candles or oil lamps with markings to track time.

Modern Methods to tell time are:

  1. Wall Clocks: These are clocks we hang on walls at home or school.
  2. Wristwatches: You wear them on your wrist like a bracelet.
  3. Stopwatches: They are used to measure short periods, like in sports or races.
  4. Digital Clocks: These show numbers to tell us the time, often found on phones and computers.
  5. Alarm Clocks: They can wake us up at a specific time with a loud sound or music.


  1. What is time?
  2. Mention 2 traditional way of measuring time
  3. Mention 2 modern ways of measuring time

Teaching Aids:

  • Chart for teaching time
  • Pictures or diagrams of traditional timekeeping methods
  • Pictures or models of modern timekeeping devices
  • Wall clock or wristwatch
  • Stopwatch (if available)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Notebooks and pens

Note to Teachers: Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024