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Lesson Note on Developed Technology – Characteristics and Places of Use (Basic 3)

Class: Primary 3

Term: 1st Term

Week: 7

Age: 8 years


Duration: 40 minutes


Subject: Basic Science & Technology

Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology



  • Characteristics of developed technology
  • Places where developed technology is used

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify developed technology based on physical characteristics.
  2. List 5 vocations and the developed technology they use.
  3. List 8 places where developed technology is used.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work/Abuja Scheme of work
  • Course Book
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks (List relevant textbooks here)

Instructional Materials:

  • Visual aids (pictures and diagrams)
  • Examples of developed technology
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Interactive activities (if available)
  • Relevant textbooks and course materials

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding developed technology is crucial in today’s world. It helps us recognize and appreciate the advanced tools and devices that make our lives easier and more efficient. This lesson teaches us to identify these technologies by their characteristics and understand where they are used in different vocations and places.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

The pupils have a basic understanding of technology concepts introduced in previous lessons and have a basic understanding of simple technology and tools used in their daily lives. This lesson builds upon their existing knowledge to explore more complex technologies and their applications.


Content Development: Developed Technology II

StepTimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Introduction (5 mins)5 minsDiscussion– Begin by asking pupils what comes to mind when they hear the term “developed technology.” – Discuss the importance of being able to recognize developed technology in our daily lives.– Listen to the teacher. – Share their thoughts on the topic.
Characteristics of Developed Technology (10 mins)10 minsExplanation– Explain the physical characteristics of developed technology, such as complexity, precision, and efficiency. – Give examples of tools/devices that exhibit these characteristics.– Pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. – Ask questions for clarification.
Identifying Developed Technology (5 mins)5 minsGroup Activity– Divide the class into small groups. – Provide each group with pictures of various tools/devices. – Ask each group to identify and label those that represent developed technology based on the characteristics discussed.– Work in groups to identify and label the tools/devices.
List of Vocations and Developed Technology (5 mins)5 minsDiscussion– Discuss various vocations (e.g., pilots, doctors, teachers, farmers) and the developed technology they use. – Encourage pupils to think about other vocations as well.– Participate in the discussion. – Share their ideas on vocations and developed technology.
Places Where Developed Technology is Used (10 mins)10 minsBrainstorming– Brainstorm with the pupils and create a list of places where developed technology is commonly used (e.g., hospitals, factories, airports). – Discuss the importance of these places in our society.– Participate in the brainstorming session. – Contribute to the list of places.
Conclusion (5 mins)5 minsRecap– Summarize the key points of the lesson. – Emphasize the ability to recognize developed technology and its presence in various vocations and places.– Listen to the teacher’s summary. – Ask any final questions.
Note Taking (5 mins)5 minsNote Making– Provide pupils with a concise note summarizing the lesson’s key points.– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Evaluation (5 mins)5 minsQuestion and Answer– Ask questions to assess pupils’ understanding of the characteristics, vocations, and places related to developed technology.– Answer the questions asked by the teacher.

Note to Pupils:

Physical characteristics of technology:

  1. Complexity: Technology often looks intricate or complicated, with many parts working together, like the inside of a computer.
  2. Precision: Developed technology is built with great accuracy, meaning it’s made very carefully to work perfectly, like a microscope used by scientists.
  3. Efficiency: It’s designed to do its job well and quickly, like a washing machine that cleans clothes in less time.
  4. Durability: Technology is tough and can last a long time, like a sturdy smartphone that doesn’t break easily.
  5. Adaptability: It can be adjusted or changed for different tasks, like a camera with settings for different types of photos.
  6. Automation: Many technologies work automatically, without people doing everything, like a robot that can clean a house on its own.

Vocations and developed technology they use:

  1. Doctors – MRI machines, Computers
  2. Pilots – Aeroplanes
  3. Teachers – Computers and Projectors
  4. Farmers – Tractors and Harvesters
  5. Engineers – 3D Printers
  6. Chefs – Electric Ovens, Microwave Ovens, Coockers
  7. Builders – Power Tools
  8. Musicians – Electronic Keyboards, Electronic Guitar

Places where developed technology is used:

  1. Hospitals
  2. Factories
  3. Airports
  4. Schools
  5. Space Stations
  6. Banks
  7. Farms
  8. Laboratories


  1. What are 3 characteristics of developed technology?
  2. Give 3 example of a vocation that uses developed technology.
  3. Name 3 places where developed technology is commonly used.

Teaching Aids:

  • Pictures of tools/devices
  • Examples of vocations
  • List of places
  • Notebooks and pens

Note to Teachers:

Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.


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