Class: Primary 3
Term: 1st Term
Week: 3
Age: 8 years
Duration: 45 minutes
Subject: Basic Science & Technology
Curriculum Theme: Basic Technology
Topic: Underdeveloped Technology


  1. Characteristics of underdeveloped technology.
  2. Examples of underdeveloped technology

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • List 10 examples of underdeveloped technology.
  • Identify examples of underdeveloped technology.
  • Explain the mode of usage of underdeveloped technology.

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures or samples of underdeveloped technology
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Notebooks and pens
  • Real-life examples of underdeveloped technology

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding underdeveloped technology is important because it helps us appreciate technological advancements and the impact they have on our daily lives. It also encourages critical thinking about the technology we encounter.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils have basic knowledge of everyday technology but may not have thought about the term “underdeveloped technology” before.


Content Development: Characteristics of Underdeveloped Technology and Examples

Content (Steps)TimeTeaching MethodTeacher’s Points/ActivitiesPupils’ Activities
Introduction5 minsDiscussion– Begin by asking pupils about the gadgets and tools they use at home or school.
– Introduce the term “underdeveloped technology” and explain that it refers to older or less advanced technology.
– Explain that underdeveloped technology often requires manual operation.
– Share the gadgets and tools they use.
– Listen to the explanation.
Characteristics of Underdeveloped Technology10 minsExplanation & Discussion– List and explain the characteristics of underdeveloped technology: manual operation, limited functions, bulkiness, and inefficiency compared to modern tech.
– Discuss these characteristics with the pupils.
– Listen to the characteristics.
– Engage in discussions.
Examples of Underdeveloped Technology15 minsVisual Aid & Discussion– Show pictures or samples of underdeveloped technology (e.g., manual typewriter, abacus, gramophone).
– Discuss the mode of usage and limitations of each example.
– Encourage pupils to ask questions.
– Observe the pictures or samples.
– Ask questions and discuss.
Class Activity5 minsActivity– Organize a class activity where pupils identify and describe examples of underdeveloped technology in the classroom or school environment.– Participate in identifying and describing examples.
Note to Pupils – Characteristics2 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note summarizing the characteristics of underdeveloped technology.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Note to Pupils – Examples2 minsNote Taking– Provide pupils with a note listing examples of underdeveloped technology and their mode of usage.
– Pupils copy the note into their notebooks.
– Copy the note into their notebooks.
Conclusion2 minsRecap & Reflection– Summarize the key points about underdeveloped technology and its characteristics.
– Ask pupils to reflect on the role of such technology in the past.
– Listen to the summary.
– Share their reflections.
Evaluation4 minsQuestion & Answer– Ask questions to assess pupils’ comprehension of underdeveloped technology and its characteristics.
– Encourage pupils to give examples of underdeveloped technology and describe their mode of usage.
– Participate in answering questions.
– Share examples and descriptions.

Note to Pupils –

Characteristics of Underdeveloped Technology:
Underdeveloped technology has these characteristics:

  • It requires manual operation.
  • It has limited functions.
  • It is often bulky.
  • It is less efficient compared to modern technology.

Examples of Underdeveloped Technology:
Here are some examples of underdeveloped technology:

  1. Manual typewriter: It’s a machine for writing that you operate by pressing keys.
  2. Abacus: It’s a counting tool with beads used for arithmetic.
  3. Gramophone: It’s a device for playing music using a large disc.
  4. Candlestick telephone: A telephone with a rotary dial that required manual rotation of a dial to make calls.
  5. Phonograph: An early music player that used rotating records and a needle to produce sound.
  6. Hand-cranked washing machine: A washing machine that required manual effort to turn a crank for washing clothes.
  7. Steam engine: An early engine that used steam to generate mechanical power.
  8. Film projector: A device for displaying motion pictures using reels of film.
  9. Oil lamp: A type of lighting that used oil to produce light.
  10. Black-and-white television: Early television sets that displayed only black-and-white images.
  11. Mortar and Pestle: Used for grinding and crushing food or herbs.
  12. Hand Fan: Manually operated for cooling in hot weather.
  13. Quill and Ink: Used for writing before pens and pencils.
  14. Clay Pot: Traditional vessel for cooking and storing food


  1. What is underdeveloped technology?
  2. List two characteristics of underdeveloped technology.
  3. Give 4 examples of underdeveloped technology and describe how it is used.

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024