Term: 1st Term

Week: 8

Class: Primary 3

Age: 8 years

Duration: 40 minutes


Subject: Christian Religious knowledge

 Topic: Preparation for Christ’s second coming

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. State why Jesus is coming back the second time
  2. Identify things they need to do while they await the second coming of Jesus
  3. Narrate the story of the ten virgins

Instructional Techniques: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, story-telling

Instructional Materials: Bible, charts

Instructional Procedures

STEP 1: INTRODUCTIONThe teacher revises the previous lesson on The Ascension and second coming of Jesus ChristPupils pay attention
STEP 2: STORY (THE TEN VIRGINS)She narrates the story of the ten virgins from Matthew 25:1-13 Pupils pay attention and anticipate
STEP 3: EXPLANATION (PREPARATION FOR THE SECOND COMING)The teacher explains the importance of preparation and waiting by making reference to the story of the ten virgins, she then lists what Christians should do while preparing for the second coming of Jesus.Pupils pay attention and participate
STEP 4: DISCUSSION (WHY JESUS IS COMING BACK)The Teacher guides and leads a discussion with the pupils on why Jesus is coming back.
She explains that Jesus came to the world to die for the sins of mankind and save us from our sins. when He comes back he’s not coming to die for sinners again He is coming to judge the world and to take His faithful servants to be with Him in His kingdom.
Pupils pay attention and participates
STEP 5: MEMORY VERSEThe Teacher guides the pupils to recite and memorize the verse 2 Peter 3:10 & John 14:3The Pupils repeat and memorizes the verse
STEP 6: Note takingThe teacher writes a short note on the boardThe pupils copy the note


Matthew 25:1-13, Mark 13:24 – 37, Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew: 19 – 20, 2 Peter 3:10-15


Jesus will come back again, therefore we need to be prepared at all times for his second coming because he is coming to judge the world, both the faithful and unfaithful.

Christians should do the following while waiting for Christ’s return.

  1. Remain holy
  2. Preach the gospel
  3. Seek the kingdom of God
  4. Pray always and be vigilant
  5. Do good works
  6. Not be greedy
  7. Love God and their neighbors
  8. Be prayerful
  9. Study God’s word
  10. Fellowship with God and other Believers

Why Jesus is coming back

  1. To receive faithful Believers unto himself
  2. To resurrect faithful believers who have died.
  3. To judge both Believers and non-believers
  4. To reward faithful Believers
  5. To punish unfaithful Believers
  6. To restore peace in the world through his reign
  7. To destroy every work of the devil


  1. Narrate the story of the ten virgins
  2. State 4 reasons why Jesus is coming the second time
  3. Mention 5 things Christians should do while waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation.

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

Last Update: July 14, 2024