Term: 1st Term

Week: 1

Class: Primary 3

Age: 8 years

Duration: 40 minutes


Subject: Christian Religious knowledge

 Topic: Promise of the Saviour

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Give the meaning of Emmanuel
  2. Mention the names of the prophets that foretold the birth of Jesus Christ
  3. State the prophecy of Isaiah on the birth of Jesus Christ

Instructional Techniques: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, story-telling

Instructional Materials: Bible, biblical pictures or drawing of a prophet

Instructional Procedures

STEP 1INTRODUCTIONThe teacher revises the previous lesson on the entry into the Promised land  and introduces the new topic by explaining what Emmanuel means-Emmanuel means God with usPupils pay attention
STEP 2EXPLANATIONShe enumerates the prophets that foretold the birth of Jesus Christ-      Isaiah-      MicahPupils pay attention and anticipate
STEP 3DemonstrationThe teacher explains Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus Christ-       Isaiah 7:14—Isaiah prophesies that a pure young woman will give birth to God’s son.-      Matthew 1:18–23—Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled.-      Isaiah 9:6—Isaiah prophesies that Jesus Christ will come as a baby; Jesus is described by several names.Pupils pay attention and participate
STEP 4Note takingThe teacher writes a short note on the boardThe pupils copy the note


Emmanuel means God with us

Prophets that foretold the birth of Jesus Christ

  • Isaiah
  • Micah

Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus Christ

  • Isaiah 7:14—Isaiah prophesies that a pure young woman will give birth to God’s son.
  • Matthew 1:18–23—Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled.
  • Isaiah 9:6—Isaiah prophesies that Jesus Christ will come as a baby; Jesus is described by several names.

Evaluation:          1. What does Emmanuel mean?

  1. Mention the prophets that foretold the birth of Jesus the birth of Jesus Christ
  2. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus Christ?

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation.

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

Last Update: July 14, 2024