• Class: Primary 3
  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 8 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: National Values Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Civic Education


  • Community values e.g., culture, beliefs, ethics, norms, etc.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain:
    • Define community values.
    • List 8 community values with context.
  • Affective Domain:
    • Explain how community values affect people’s actions.
    • Understand the significance of community values in daily life.
  • Psychomotor Domain:
    • Demonstrate understanding by identifying community values in different scenarios.
  • Social Domain:
    • Engage in group discussions on community values.
    • Share experiences related to community values.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of Work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts or flashcards with values and examples
  • Images representing different cultures and norms
  • Worksheets for pupils

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding community values is crucial for fostering respect, harmony, and understanding within a community.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils should have basic knowledge about their communities, cultures, and social behaviors.


Content Development: Community Values

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Introduction5 minsQuestion and AnswerDiscussionIntroduce the topic, ask pupils what they understand by community values.Respond to the teacher’s question and share their thoughts.Understand the concept of community values.
Meaning of Community Values7 minsExplanationReal-life ExamplesExplain the concept of community values using examples.Listen attentively and take notes.Understand how community values are expressed in daily life.
Influence on People’s Actions8 minsDiscussionGroup ActivityLead a discussion on how community values affect individuals’ behavior.Participate in group discussions and express opinions.Understand the impact of community values on behavior.
Examples of Community Values10 minsVisual PresentationGroup WorkShow visuals depicting various community values and discuss them.Work in groups to identify and discuss different community values.Identify and comprehend different community values.
Note Taking5 minsNote TakingNote MakingProvide a summary note on community values for pupils to copy.Copy notes into their notebooks.Capture key points on community values.
Evaluation3 minsQuestion and AnswerAssessmentAsk questions to test pupils’ understanding of community values.Respond to questions and demonstrate understanding.Assess understanding of community values.
Conclusion2 minsRecapRecapSummarize the lesson’s key points and emphasize the importance of community values.Listen and review key takeaways.Reinforce the significance of community values.

Note to Pupils:

Meaning of Community Values:

Community values are shared principles and beliefs that guide how people in a community behave and interact with each other. They include:

  • Culture: The way of life shared by a group, including traditions, customs, and arts.
  • Beliefs: Shared ideas or principles accepted by a community, such as religious beliefs or ancestral practices.
  • Ethics: Standards of behavior that determine what is right or wrong within a society.
  • Norms: Social expectations or rules that guide behaviors and interactions in a community.

How Community Values Affect Actions:

  • They guide us on what is right or wrong.
  • They determine how we treat others.

Examples of Community Values:

  1. Honesty – telling the truth even when it’s difficult.
  2. Respect – treating others the way you want to be treated.
  3. Kindness – being caring and considerate towards others.
  4. Responsibility – doing your part to make things better.
  5. Equality – treating everyone fairly and equally.
  6. Empathy – understanding and sharing others’ feelings.
  7. Tolerance – accepting differences and respecting diversity.
  8. Cooperation – working together for common goals.


  1. What do community values mean?
  2. How do community values impact our actions?
  3. Provide three examples of community values and explain them.

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024