• Class: Primary 3
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 9
  • Age: 8 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: National Values Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Security Education
  • Topic: Preventive Measures Against Crime
  • Content: Preventive Measures Against Crime

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain:
  • Identify and list two preventive measures against crime.
  • Affective Domain:
  • Express understanding and appreciation for the importance of preventive measures in maintaining security.
  • Psychomotor Domain:
  • Demonstrate one preventive measure against crime through role-play or discussion.
  • Social Domain:
  • Collaborate with classmates to discuss and share ideas on preventive measures against crime.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts on preventive measures
  • Images or scenarios depicting crime prevention
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout on preventive measures

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding preventive measures against crime is essential for creating a secure and harmonious community. It empowers students with the knowledge to contribute to a safer environment.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Students should have a basic understanding of the concept of crime and safety.


Content Development: Preventive Measures Against Crime

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Introduction 5 minsDiscussionQuestion and AnswerDiscuss the importance of preventing crime.Respond to questions and express thoughts on the topic.Understanding the significance of preventive measures.
Brainstorming10 minsGroup ActivitySmall Group DiscussionDivide into groups and brainstorm preventive measures.Discuss within groups, listing preventive measures.Identifying and collaborating on preventive measures.
Presentation 10 minsLecture/DiscussionVisual AidsPresent charts and images on preventive measures.Observe and discuss visual aids, asking questions if needed.Visualizing and understanding various preventive measures.
Note taking 5 minsWriting Writing ActivityProvide a handout summarizing key points for note-taking.Take notes on preventive measures and their importance.Summarizing key information about preventive measures.
Evaluation 5 minsQuestion and AnswerInteractive QuestionsAsk questions related to preventive measures.Respond to questions individually or in groups.Assessing comprehension of preventive measures.
Conclusion 5 minsRecapRecap and SummarySummarize the importance of preventive measures.Share one thing they’ve learned or found interesting.Reinforcing the significance of crime prevention.

Classroom Note:

Preventive Measures Against Crime

  • Always lock your doors and windows when not at home.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activities.
  • Avoid dark and isolated areas, especially at night.
  • Keep personal belongings secure and be cautious of strangers.
  • Cooperate with others to promote community safety.


  1. List three preventive measures against crime.
  2. How can you contribute to creating a safer community?
  3. Demonstrate one preventive measure against crime through a short role-play.

Note to Teachers:
Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources.

Last Update: July 14, 2024