• Class: Primary 3
  • Term: 3rd Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 9 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: National Value Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Security Education
  • Topic: Violent Offences; Murder
  • Content: Meaning and consequences of murder.

Performance Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Cognitive Domain: Define murder and list five consequences of murder.
  2. Affective Domain: Express feelings about the importance of preserving life.
  3. Psychomotor Domain: Role-play a scenario demonstrating the negative impacts of violence.
  4. Social Domain: Discuss ways to prevent violent behavior in their community.

Reference Materials:
The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:
The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Flashcards
  • Pictures illustrating violent and peaceful scenarios
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Storybook depicting consequences of violence

Rationale for the Lesson:
Understanding violent offences; murder in this case is crucial for pupils to recognize the value of human life and the impact of violent actions on individuals and communities. This knowledge promotes empathy, non-violence, and responsible behavior.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:
Pupils are familiar with the concept of violent offenses from previous lessons and understand basic forms of unacceptable behaviors.


Learning Area: Violent Offences; Murder

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction 5 minsInteractive discussionQuestion and AnswerAsk pupils what they understand by the term “violent offences” and introduce the term “murder”.Respond to questions and share thoughts.Understanding prior knowledge and introducing the topic.
Step 2: Definition of Murder5 minsDirect InstructionExplanationDefine murder clearly.Listen and take notes.Understanding the definition of murder.
Step 3: Explaining Consequences of Murder10 minsStorytellingIllustrative StorytellingTell a story illustrating the consequences of murder.Listen and discuss the story.Understanding the consequences of murder.
Step 4: Role-Playing Activity8 minsRole-PlayingGroup ActivityGuide pupils in a role-play demonstrating the impact of violence.Participate in role-playing.Experiencing the negative impact of violence through role-play.
Step 5: Discussion on Prevention7 minsGroup DiscussionThink-Pair-ShareFacilitate a discussion on how to prevent violent behavior.Discuss in pairs and share with the class.Identifying ways to prevent violence in the community.
Step 6: Note Taking3 minsGuided WritingNotetakingGuide pupils to write key points from the lesson.Copy notes into their books.Reinforcing lesson content through note-taking.
Step 7: Evaluation and Conclusion2 minsInteractive ReviewQuestion and AnswerAsk review questions to assess understanding.Answer questions.Assessing comprehension and summarizing the lesson.

Classroom Note:

Violent Offences; Murder

Violent Offences; Murder is when one person kills another person intentionally and unlawfully. This means that someone takes another person’s life on purpose and it is against the law.

Consequences of murder:

  1. Loss of Life: The victim loses their life, which is irreversible and tragic.
  2. Grief for Families: The family and friends of the victim experience immense grief and loss.
  3. Legal Punishment: The person who commits murder will face severe legal consequences, including imprisonment.
  4. Community Fear: It creates fear and insecurity within the community.
  5. Social Stigma: The perpetrator and their family may face social stigma and isolation.

Lesson Evaluation:
To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Define what murder is.
  2. List three consequences of murder.
  3. Explain why it is important to avoid violent behaviors.
  4. Discuss one way to prevent violence in their community.
  5. Describe how they felt during the role-playing activity.

Note for teachers using my lesson plan:
Hi there, remember that I didn’t make this lesson plan with any particular class or teacher in mind and I tried as much as possible with my experience and expertise to deliver this plan in a standard and effective style utilizing the best strategy and methods. Nevertheless, you are free to customize the lesson content, teaching methods, timing and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, pupils comprehension, curriculum, and resources available to you. Happy teaching!

Last Update: July 14, 2024