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National Value Education 3rd Term Summative Test Question (Basic 4)

Subject: National Value Education                                        Class: Basic 4

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions1. Ventilation is one characteristics of a ___________  (a) Population (b) Religion   (c)Good housing         (d)Hygiene.2. Which one of these is an example of modern house?          (a) thatched house (b) bungalows (c) mud house2.        Which of these is a feature of adequate housing       (a) strong structure (b) poor ventilation (c) inadequate space4.        The different stages of growth of an individual that are noticeable is ________________ (a) physical development (b) physical adolescent (c) physical improvement5.        Which one of these is a factor that can hinder physical growth in children?                         (a) infection transferred from mother to child   (b)  balanced and healthy diet             (c) seeking medical attention when sick6. All of these are examples of national values except ___________  (a) Loyalty  (b) Obedience (c) Eating7. All of these are benefits of peaceful coexistence except ____    (a) Tribalism  (b) Common use of resources   (c) Avoiding Favouritism8. A group of people that share spirit and unity and live together under the same government is called _____   (a) Nation  (b) Government   (c) Local Government9. Which of these are common mineral resources I Nigeria?  (a) Crude  (b) Coal (c) Mercury10. _____ is not a cause of ethnicity.   (a) Poverty    (b) Colonialism  (c) Laziness11. Which of these is not a reasons why we should build our nation?   (a) Protest  (b) for peaceful co-existence. (c) Defense against enemies12. Tribalism means _____ (a) Staying in your tribe  (b) Fighting for your tribe  (b) Show favouritism to your tribe13. The following are security gadgets except ____ (a) radio  (b) CCTV   (c) Car  (d) Metal detector14. The following are consequences of not reporting suspicious movements except _________ (a) Armed robbery   (b) Death  (c) Love  (d) Kidnapping15.  All of these are ways of calling law enforcement except ___    (a) Whistles   (b) Horn  (c) Telephone call (d) Setting fire on the mountain top16. The following are modern security methods except _______  (a) Use of media  (b) Use of internet (c) Police  (d) Gateman17. Emergency security _____ can sent over social media and television    (a) Risk  (b) Letter     (c) Alert   (d) pictures18. ___ can help to raise security awareness  (a) Indomie cartons  (b) Music (c) biscuits wrappers  (d) doing home chores19. To be forewarned is to be ______  (a) Brave   (b) Courageous (c) Forearmed (d) Forehanded20. Security education enables us to be security conscious of our environment.    (a) This is True    (b) This is False   (c) It’s unbelievable                      THEORY1a. What is personal Hygiene?1b.  Mention 5 natural resources.2a. List 2 effects of drug abuse.2b. 2. List 2 things to do to keep our body physically fit3. List 3 characteristics of a good house.4a. What is Ethnicity?1b. List out 2 common causes of ethnicity in Nigeria.5a. List 3 reasons for peaceful co-existence5b. Define Internet.


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