• Class: Primary 5
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 8
  • Age: 10 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: History
  • Curriculum Theme: History
  • Previous Lesson: Early Christian Missionaries
  • Topic: Activities Of The Early Christian Missionaries
  • Content: Some activities of the early Christian missionaries such as evangelism, establishing schools, building hospitals, translating the Bible, etc.

Performance Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: List five activities of the early Christian missionaries.
  • Affective Domain: Explain the importance of the missionaries’ work to society.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate how the missionaries taught through storytelling or role-playing.
  • Social Domain: Discuss how cooperation among missionaries impacted their success.

Reference Materials

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • A Bible
  • Pictures or charts showing missionaries and their activities
  • Flashcards of the listed activities
  • A chalkboard and chalk

Rationale for the Lesson

Understanding the activities of the early Christian missionaries helps pupils appreciate the role of education, healthcare, and religion in shaping society.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge

Pupils have previously learned about early Christian missionaries and their contributions to spreading Christianity in Nigeria.

Instructional Procedures

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction 5 minsSet InductionQuestioning & engagementAsks pupils what they remember about early Christian missionaries.Pupils recall and share previous knowledge. connect prior learning to the lesson.
Step 2: Explanation10 minsLectureVisual aidsExplains who early Christian missionaries were and their goals.Pupils listen attentively.Understanding the purpose of missionaries.
Step 3: Listing Activities8 minsDemonstrationGuided discussionLists and describes seven activities of early Christian missionaries.Pupils take notes and ask questions.Recognizing key activities.
Step 4: Group Activity7 minsCollaborativeRole-playingGuides pupils in role-playing missionary activities like storytelling.Pupils participate in role-playing.Learning through practical application.
Step 5: Note Taking5 minsWritingGuided practiceGuides pupils in copying notes from the board.Pupils write notes neatly in their books.Retention of the main points.
Step 6: Evaluation3 minsQuestioningOral quizAsks pupils evaluation questions about the lesson.Pupils respond to questions.Assessing comprehension.
Step 7: Conclusion2 minsRecapSummarySummarizes the activities of the missionaries and gives homework.Pupils listen and note down homework.Reinforcement of learning.

Lesson Content

Activities Of The Early Christian Missionaries

Early Christian missionaries were individuals and groups who worked to spread Christianity in different parts of the world, including Nigeria. Their goal was to educate, heal, and share the gospel. Below are some activities of these missionaries:

  1. Evangelism: Missionaries preached the gospel and converted people to Christianity.
  2. Establishment of Schools: They built schools to educate children and adults.
  3. Translation of the Bible: Missionaries translated the Bible into local languages.
  4. Medical Services: They built hospitals and clinics to provide healthcare.
  5. Introduction of Western Education: They introduced formal education with subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic.
  6. Abolition of Harmful Practices: Missionaries discouraged practices like slave trade and human sacrifices.
  7. Charitable Work: They provided food and clothing to the needy.

Lesson Evaluation

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. List five activities of the early Christian missionaries.
  2. Explain how missionaries contributed to education.
  3. Demonstrate one way missionaries shared the gospel.
  4. Discuss the importance of translating the Bible into local languages.
  5. Identify one challenge the missionaries might have faced.

Note for Teachers Using This Lesson Plan

Encourage pupils to share their thoughts on how missionary activities have shaped their communities. Be patient during group activities and guide pupils where necessary. Happy teaching!