• Class: Primary 5
  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 9
  • Age: 10 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: History
  • Curriculum Theme: History
  • Previous Lesson: Nigeria Independence: Year of Independence
  • Topic: Nigeria Independence: Venue, Meaning of Federation and Republic
  • Content: Venue of ceremony, The structure of the government of Nigeria at independence, Meaning of Federation and Republic

Performance Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Identify the venue where Nigeria’s independence ceremony was held and explain the structure of government at that time.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the significance of Nigeria’s independence in the development of the nation.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Participate in role-playing activities to demonstrate understanding of the parliamentary system.
  • Social Domain: Discuss the importance of unity and federalism in a republic.

Reference Materials

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • A map showing the venue of Nigeria’s independence ceremony
  • Flashcards illustrating the structure of Nigeria’s government at independence
  • A whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids explaining Federation and Republic

Rationale for the Lesson

Understanding the venue and the structure of the government during Nigeria’s independence, as well as the meaning of a federation and a republic, helps pupils grasp the foundation of Nigeria’s political system and its relevance in their daily lives. This knowledge fosters a sense of national pride and civic responsibility.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge

Pupils are aware that Nigeria gained independence on October 1st, 1960, and they have a basic understanding of the importance of this event.


Learning Area: Nigeria Independence: Venue, Meaning of Federation and Republic

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsInteractive lectureSet inductionThe teacher introduces the lesson by asking pupils where they think Nigeria’s independence ceremony took place.Pupils listen attentively and respond to questions.Engaging pupils’ prior knowledge about Nigeria’s independence.
Step 2: Venue of the Ceremony7 minsVisual explanationDirect instructionThe teacher reveals that the ceremony was held at Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos, showing this on a map.Pupils observe the map and note the location of the ceremony.Understanding the historical venue of Nigeria’s independence ceremony.
Step 3: Government Structure10 minsVisual aidsCollaborative learningThe teacher explains the parliamentary system adopted at independence, using flashcards to illustrate.Pupils participate in discussions and ask questions about the parliamentary system.Gaining insights into the government structure at independence.
Step 4: Meaning of Federation and Republic10 minsGroup discussionQuestion and answerThe teacher differentiates between a federation and a republic and relates these concepts to Nigeria’s system.Pupils engage in a group discussion, sharing their understanding of federation and republic.Differentiating between federalism and republicanism in Nigeria.
Note Taking3 minsDictationGuided learningThe teacher dictates key points for pupils to write down in their notebooks.Pupils take notes as dictated by the teacher.Reinforcing knowledge through note-taking.
Evaluation3 minsOral questioningRecap and assessmentThe teacher asks pupils questions to assess their understanding of the lesson content.Pupils answer questions based on what they learned during the lesson.Assessing pupils’ comprehension of the lesson.
Conclusion2 minsSummaryReinforcementThe teacher summarizes the key points and highlights the significance of understanding Nigeria’s political history.Pupils listen to the summary and reflect on the importance of the lesson.Consolidating the day’s learning with a summary.

Lesson Content

Nigeria Independence: Venue, Meaning of Federation and Republic

On October 1st, 1960, Nigeria gained independence from British rule. The independence ceremony was held at Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos. This was a significant event as it marked the beginning of self-governance for Nigeria.

At the time of independence, Nigeria adopted a parliamentary system of government. This system allowed the Prime Minister to head the government while the Governor-General, representing the British monarch, was the ceremonial head of state. The choice of the parliamentary system was due to its effectiveness in managing the diverse regions of Nigeria through a unified government while still allowing regional autonomy.

Meaning Of Federation And Republic

Federation refers to a political structure where multiple regions or states come together under a central government, but each state retains some level of independence in certain areas.

Republic on the other hand, means a state in which the supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

This means that while Nigeria is a federal state, it is also a republic because it does not have a monarch; instead, it has an elected president as the head of state.

Lesson Evaluation

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Where was Nigeria’s independence ceremony held?
  2. What type of government structure did Nigeria adopt at independence?
  3. Explain the difference between a Federation and a Republic.
  4. Why did Nigeria choose a parliamentary system at independence?

Last Update: September 3, 2024