• Class: Primary 5
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 3
  • Age: 10 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: Pre-Vocational Studies
  • Curriculum Theme: Home Economics
  • Previous Lesson: Uses of Sewing Tools
  • Topic: Care of Sewing Tools
  • Content: Care of sewing tools

Performance Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Explain what sewing tools are and state seven ways to care for them.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of maintaining sewing tools in good condition.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate how to clean and store sewing tools properly.
  • Social Domain: Collaborate with peers to organize and care for sewing tools.

Reference Materials

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Samples of sewing tools (needles, thread, scissors, measuring tape, etc.)
  • Pictures of sewing tools in good and poor conditions
  • A demonstration kit for cleaning sewing tools

Rationale for the Lesson

Understanding the care of sewing tools is essential for their durability and efficiency. Proper maintenance ensures that tools remain functional and safe, saving money and time.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge

Pupils have learned about the uses of sewing tools and have likely observed their parents or older siblings handling these tools.

Instructional Procedures

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction 5 minsSet inductionInteractive questioningDisplays sewing tools and asks pupils to identify them. Asks why they think proper care is necessary.Respond to questions and share observations. recognize sewing tools and the importance of care.
Step 2: Explanation10 minsExpositoryVisual aids and demonstrationExplains the meaning of sewing tools and describes their care. Demonstrates cleaning and proper storage.Observe and ask questions for clarification. understand how to care for sewing tools.
Step 3: Practical Demonstration10 minsDemonstrationHands-on practiceShows how to clean scissors, organize needles, and safely store threads.Participate in the cleaning and organization exercise. practice caring for sewing tools.
Step 4: Guided Discussion5 minsDiscussionGroup workDivides pupils into small groups to discuss other ways to care for sewing tools.Share ideas within groups and present to the class. identify additional ways to care for sewing tools.
Note Taking5 minsNote writingGuided note copyingDictates or writes key points for pupils to copy.Copy notes neatly into their exercise books. summarize what they learned.
Evaluation3 minsQuestioningInteractive reviewAsks pupils questions to test understanding of the lesson.Respond to questions orally and in writing.understanding is assessed.
Conclusion2 minsSummaryRecapRecaps the lesson and highlights the importance of tool care.Listen and ask final questions. review key points of the lesson.

Lesson Content

Care of Sewing Tools

Sewing tools are items like needles, scissors, measuring tape, and thread used for making or mending clothes. Taking care of these tools ensures they last longer and work effectively.

Ways to Care for Sewing Tools

  1. Clean scissors regularly to remove rust or dirt.
  2. Store needles and pins in a pin cushion to avoid injury.
  3. Keep threads in a dry place to prevent dampness.
  4. Sharpen scissors when they become dull.
  5. Use sewing tools only for their intended purpose.
  6. Cover sewing machines when not in use.
  7. Organize tools in a box or container to avoid misplacement.

Lesson Evaluation

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. What are sewing tools?
  2. Mention three examples of sewing tools.
  3. State four ways to care for sewing tools.
  4. Why is it important to care for sewing tools?

Note for Teachers Using This Lesson Plan

Ensure all tools used for demonstration are in good condition to inspire the pupils. Encourage pupils to share their experiences with sewing tools at home. Reinforce the importance of safety when handling sharp objects like needles and scissors.

Happy teaching!