• Class: Primary 6
  • Term: 2nd Term
  • Week: 10
  • Age: 11 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: Pre-Vocational Studies
  • Curriculum Theme: Agricultural Science
  • Previous Lesson: Packaging Methods: Cages
  • Topic: Packaging Methods: Bottles
  • Content: Packaging using bottles

Performance Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive domain: Explain the use of bottles as a method of packaging farm produce.
  • Affective domain: Appreciate the importance of proper packaging in preserving farm produce.
  • Psychomotor domain: Demonstrate how farm produce can be packaged using bottles.
  • Social domain: Work together in groups to discuss different types of farm produce that can be packaged in bottles.

Reference Materials

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Sample bottles (glass and plastic)
  • Different farm produce (e.g., honey, palm oil, groundnuts)
  • Charts showing examples of packaged farm produce
  • A short video or pictures of bottled farm products

Rationale for the Lesson

Packaging is essential in agriculture because it protects farm produce, extends shelf life, and makes transportation easier. Understanding how to package farm produce using bottles ensures that pupils can appreciate proper storage techniques and prevent wastage.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge

Pupils have previously learned about packaging farm produce using cages and can identify different farm products that require proper storage.

Lesson Content

Packaging Methods: Bottles

Packaging farm produce helps to keep food fresh, prevent contamination, and make it easier to store and transport. One method of packaging is using bottles.

Uses of Bottles in Packaging Farm Produce:

  1. For Liquid Products: Bottles are commonly used to package honey, palm oil, fruit juice, and milk.
  2. For Dry Products: Some dry foods like groundnuts and dried fruits can also be stored in bottles to keep them fresh.
  3. For Preservation: Bottles protect food from air, moisture, and pests, making them last longer.
  4. For Safe Transportation: Packaged products in bottles can be transported easily without spillage.
  5. For Commercial Sale: Farmers and businesses use bottles to sell their products in markets and stores.

Instructional Procedures

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsSet inductionQuestioningAsks pupils how they store liquids like honey or palm oil at home.Respond to questions and share experiences.Understanding pupils’ prior knowledge.
Step 2: Explanation of Packaging Using Bottles7 minsDiscussionDemonstrationExplains the importance of bottles in packaging and shows real examples.Listen and observe the teacher’s demonstration.Understanding the uses of bottles in packaging.
Step 3: Demonstrating Bottling of Farm Produce10 minsPractical ActivityHands-on LearningDemonstrates how to pour and seal produce in bottles properly.Participate in a practical session of bottling farm produce.Hands-on experience in packaging using bottles.
Step 4: Group Discussion5 minsCooperative LearningGroup WorkOrganizes pupils into groups to list farm produce that can be bottled.Work in groups and discuss.Collaboration and critical thinking.
Step 5: Note Taking5 minsExpositoryWritingGuides pupils to copy the key points in their notebooks.Copy the key points from the board.Reinforcement of knowledge.
Step 6: Evaluation5 minsQuestion & AnswerOral AssessmentAsks pupils to mention one use of bottles in packaging farm produce.Answer questions and participate actively.Assessing understanding.
Step 7: Conclusion3 minsSummaryRecapSummarizes the lesson and re-emphasizes the key points.Listen and ask final questions.Retention of lesson content.

Lesson Evaluation

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. List two examples of farm produce that can be packaged using bottles.
  2. Explain one reason why bottles are useful for packaging.
  3. Demonstrate how to seal a bottle containing liquid farm produce.
  4. Discuss one advantage of using bottles for storage.
  5. Mention one farm product that should not be stored in bottles and why.


  • For struggling pupils: Provide additional explanations and one-on-one support during the practical demonstration.
  • For advanced learners: Allow them to lead the group discussions and suggest innovative ways bottles can be reused for packaging.

Note for Teachers Using This Lesson Plan

Encourage active participation by allowing pupils to handle the bottles and package some produce themselves. This hands-on approach will make the lesson more engaging and practical. Also, use real-life examples to show how packaging improves food safety. Happy teaching!

Last Update: February 11, 2025