• Class: Primary 6
  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 1
  • Age: 11 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: National Value Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Civic Education
  • Previous Lesson:
  • Topic: Definition Of National Honours Awards
  • Content: Definition of national honours awards

Performance Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Define what national honours awards are and list at least three examples.
  • Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of national honours awards in recognizing achievements.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Practice writing and pronouncing the names of different national honours.
  • Social Domain: Discuss the significance of national honours in promoting unity and pride among citizens.

Reference Materials:

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • National flag
  • Pictures of National Honours Awards (e.g., MFR, GCFR)
  • Flashcards
  • Chalkboard and chalk

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding national honours awards helps pupils recognize the importance of acknowledging individual contributions to national development. It builds national pride and encourages good citizenship.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils are familiar with awards and recognitions given in school and sports events.


Learning Area: Definition of National Honours Awards

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction (Set Induction)5 minsDiscussionEngaging pupils’ prior knowledgeThe teacher introduces the concept of awards by asking pupils about awards they have seen in school or sports.Pupils respond with examples of awards they know (e.g., sports, academic awards).Linking pupils’ prior knowledge of awards to national honours.
Step 2: Definition of National Honours Awards10 minsExplanationDirect InstructionThe teacher defines national honours awards, using examples like GCFR, MFR, etc.Pupils listen and note down key terms.Pupils understand the meaning and examples of national honours awards.
Step 3: Importance of National Honours7 minsExplanationDiscussionTeacher explains the significance of national honours and how they promote unity and pride.Pupils ask questions and engage in the discussion.Pupils recognize the social importance of national honours in promoting national pride.
Step 4: Examples of National Honours5 minsVisual LearningDemonstrationTeacher shows pictures of different national honours and writes their names on the board.Pupils observe and practice pronouncing the names of the awards.Pupils can visually recognize and verbally pronounce names of national honours.
Step 5: Note-taking5 minsWritingGuided note-takingTeacher dictates key points about the national honours for pupils to copy.Pupils write down the notes in their notebooks.Pupils engage in active note-taking for memory retention.
Step 6: Evaluation5 minsOral QuestioningAssessmentTeacher asks pupils questions based on the lesson objectives.Pupils answer the teacher’s questions orally.Evaluation of pupils’ understanding of the lesson.
Step 7: Conclusion3 minsRecapSummaryTeacher summarizes the lesson by emphasizing the key points and their relevance to national pride.Pupils listen and participate in a brief review of the lesson.Summarizing key points reinforces the lesson and encourages national pride.

Lesson Content

Definition Of National Honours Awards

National honours awards are special recognitions given by the government to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the country. These awards recognize efforts in various fields, including public service, sports, education, and the military.

Some examples of national honours in Nigeria include:

  • GCFR (Grand Commander of the Federal Republic): Awarded to the President.
  • GCON (Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger): Awarded to the Vice President.
  • MFR (Member of the Order of the Federal Republic): Awarded to individuals for outstanding contributions.

Lesson Evaluation:

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Define national honours awards.
  2. List three examples of national honours in Nigeria.
  3. Explain why national honours are important to the country.
  4. Mention two ways national honours promote national unity and pride.
  5. Pronounce the name of one national honour correctly.