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Title & Menu Bars And It’s Uses (Primary 6)

  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 4
  • Age: 11 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: Basic Science And Technology
  • Curriculum Theme: Computer Studies
  • Previous Lesson: Uses of Word Processor
  • Topic: Title & Menu Bars and Their Uses
  • Content: Identify the title and menu bars.

Performance Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive Domain: Identify the title & menu bars in a word processor and explain their uses.
  • Affective Domain: Show interest and attentiveness during the explanation of the title and menu bars.
  • Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate how to locate the title and menu bars on a word processor interface.
  • Social Domain: Work collaboratively in groups to identify and explain the functions of title and menu bars.

Reference Materials:

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • A laptop with a word processor installed
  • Projector (if available)
  • Diagram of a word processor interface
  • Whiteboard and marker

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding the title & menu bars and it’s Uses in a word processor is essential because these elements help pupils navigate and efficiently use the software. Mastering these tools will prepare students for digital tasks they will encounter in their academic journey and daily life, making them more proficient in using technology.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils are already familiar with using word processors and can type basic texts. They also have basic computer handling skills from previous lessons.


Learning Area: Title & Menu Bars and Their Uses

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction (Set Induction) – The teacher will ask pupils to recall their previous knowledge on word processors and explain how they saved their work. This will engage pupils and link the current lesson to the previous one.5 minsDiscussion & questioningWhole-class interactive discussionAsks questions about previous uses of word processors.Pupils answer questions and engage in a conversation with the teacher.Understanding the link between word processors and saving documents.
Step 2: Title Bar Identification – The teacher will display a word processor interface on the projector or laptop screen, highlighting the title bar at the top of the window. The teacher explains that the title bar displays the name of the current document.7 minsDirect InstructionVisual learningShows pupils where the title bar is located on the screen and explains its purpose.Pupils observe and identify the title bar on the screen.Recognizing the title bar and understanding its role.
Step 3: Menu Bar Identification – The teacher will point out the menu bar below the title bar, showing the different menu options such as “File,” “Edit,” and “View.” The teacher explains that these menus allow the user to perform various tasks.8 minsDemonstrationPractical demonstrationExplains and shows how the menu bar contains commands for managing documents.Pupils observe the demonstration and follow along on their devices if available.Identifying the menu bar and learning its functions.
Step 4: Hands-On Activity – Pupils are grouped and asked to identify the title and menu bars on the laptops or computer screens. Each group will explore the menus and discuss the functions.10 minsCollaborative LearningGroup activitySupervises group work, ensuring each group identifies the title and menu bars.Pupils work in groups to locate and discuss the title and menu bars.Hands-on identification and explanation of title and menu bars.
Step 5: Note Taking – The teacher provides the classroom note for the pupils to copy into their notebooks.5 minsNote-takingIndividual learningWrites the classroom note on the board for pupils to copy.Pupils copy the notes into their notebooks.Reinforcement of key concepts.
Step 6: Evaluation – The teacher asks pupils to recall and explain the location and functions of the title and menu bars.3 minsOral questioningActive recallAsks specific questions about the title and menu bars.Pupils respond by identifying and explaining the uses of the title and menu bars.Pupils demonstrate understanding through responses.
Step 7: Conclusion – The teacher summarizes the lesson by reinforcing the importance of knowing the title and menu bars and their uses in word processing.2 minsRecap & summaryWhole-class reflectionRecaps key points and encourages pupils to practice using word processors at home or school.Pupils listen attentively and ask questions if needed.Key lesson points are reinforced.

Lesson Content

Title & Menu Bars And Their Uses

Uses Of Title Bar

The title bar is the topmost bar of a word processor window. It shows the name of the document that is currently open and also indicates if changes have been made but not saved.

  1. Displays Document Name: The title bar shows the name of the current document that is open.
  2. Indicates Unsaved Changes: It often shows an asterisk (*) or “unsaved” if changes have been made to the document but not yet saved.
  3. Shows Application Name: The title bar also displays the name of the word processor or application being used (e.g., Microsoft Word).
  4. Minimizing the Window: The title bar contains buttons to minimize the window, allowing you to hide the program without closing it.
  5. Closing the Application: The title bar has a close button (usually an “X”) to exit the program when you are done working.

Uses Of Menu Bars

The menu bar is located just below the title bar. It contains menus like File, Edit, View, and others.

  1. Opening Documents: The menu bar allows you to open new or existing documents through the “File” menu.
  2. Saving Documents: You can save your work by using the “Save” or “Save As” options found in the “File” menu.
  3. Editing Text: The “Edit” menu helps you cut, copy, and paste text in your document.
  4. Formatting Text: The “Format” menu allows you to change font styles, sizes, and apply other formatting options like bold or italics.
  5. Printing Documents: The “File” menu provides a command to print your document directly from the word processor.

Lesson Evaluation:

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Identify the location of the title bar on a word processor.
  2. Mention two functions of the menu bar in a word processor.
  3. List two commands found in the menu bar and explain their uses.
  4. Explain the difference between the title bar and the menu bar.
  5. Demonstrate how to save a document using the File menu.


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