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Influence Of Working Parents On Nigerian Family Life (Primary 6)

  • Class: Primary 6
  • Term: 1st Term
  • Week: 6
  • Age: 11 years
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Subject: National Value Education
  • Curriculum Theme: Social Studies
  • Topic: Influence Of Working Parents On Nigerian Family Life

Performance Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Cognitive Domain:

  • Define the term “working parents” and explain how their jobs affect the family.

Affective Domain:

  • Appreciate the sacrifices working parents make for their families.

Psychomotor Domain:

  • Illustrate family activities done together when parents are home.

Social Domain:

  • Share personal experiences on how their parents’ work schedules impact family life.

Reference Materials:

The following resources were used in planning this lesson:

Instructional Materials:

The teacher will teach this lesson with the aid of:

  • Flashcards with key terms (e.g., “working parents”, “family balance”)
  • A short video clip about a day in the life of working parents
  • Pictures showing different family activities

Rationale for the Lesson:

This lesson is important because understanding how working parents influence family life helps children appreciate their parents’ efforts and better manage their own expectations and emotions when parents are not around. This topic is also relevant to the pupils’ daily lives as most will have working parents and experience firsthand the balance between work and family time.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils already know about the influence of religion on family life from the previous lesson. They can relate to the responsibilities parents have at work and home.


Learning Area: Influence Of Working Parents On Nigerian Family Life

To deliver this lesson, the teacher will adopt the following steps:

Content DevelopmentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupils’ ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction (Set Induction)5 minsStorytelling & DiscussionTeacher asks pupils to share their experiences when parents go to work.Teacher tells a short story of a working mother who balances work and home life.Pupils listen and share their experiences.Understanding the reality of working parents.
Step 2: Explanation of Terms7 minsDirect InstructionUse of FlashcardsTeacher explains what “working parents” are and their role in Nigerian society.Pupils copy key definitions from the board.Knowing the meaning of working parents.
Step 3: Group Discussion8 minsCooperative LearningSmall groupsTeacher divides the class into small groups to discuss how working parents impact daily routines at home.Pupils discuss and share their ideas with their groups.Discovering different ways working parents influence family life.
Step 4: Video Viewing5 minsVisual LearningVideo ClipTeacher plays a short video on a day in the life of working parents.Pupils watch the video attentively.Visual understanding of the topic.
Step 5: Group Presentations6 minsStudent-Centered LearningGroup PresentationTeacher asks groups to present their ideas on the influence of working parents.Pupils present their group discussions to the class.Pupils learn from each other’s experiences.
Step 6: Note Taking4 minsDirect InstructionClass DiscussionTeacher summarizes key points and asks pupils to take notes.Pupils copy notes into their exercise books.Recapping the key lesson points.
Step 7: Evaluation & Conclusion5 minsQuestioningOral Q&ATeacher asks questions based on the lesson and evaluates pupils’ understanding.Pupils answer orally and ask questions if needed.Checking for understanding and lesson wrap-up.

Lesson Content

Influence of Working Parents on Nigerian Family Life

When both parents work outside the home, it impacts family life in several ways. Traditionally, the wife was responsible for taking care of the home and children, but this has shifted due to changing work roles. The following are ways working parents influence Nigerian family life:

  1. Less Time for Family Activities: Parents often have less time for bonding and family outings due to work commitments.
  2. Increased Responsibilities for Children: Children may take on more household chores to help maintain the home.
  3. Financial Support: Working parents contribute to the family’s financial stability, providing for needs and wants.
  4. Role Modeling: Parents demonstrate the importance of hard work and responsibility through their jobs.
  5. Stress on Family Relationships: Work stress can affect family interactions, and parents may be too tired to fully engage with their children.
  6. Children Lack Parental Attention or Experience Neglect: Parents may be too busy or exhausted to address their children’s emotional, physical, or behavioral needs.
  7. Dependence on Maids or Caregivers: Working parents often rely on maids or house helps, which increases the risk of neglect or abuse if proper supervision is lacking.
  8. Changing Gender Roles: Fathers are more involved in caregiving, and mothers are contributing financially, altering traditional gender roles.
  9. Impact on Child Behavior: Children may experience a lack of discipline or direction due to reduced parental oversight.
  10. Children’s Independence: With less parental supervision, children may gain independence but are also more prone to making poor decisions.
  11. Risk of Abuse from Caregivers: In the absence of parents, children may face physical or emotional abuse from maids, house helps, or caregivers.

These changes point out the shift in Nigerian family life system due to the influence of working parents, impacting relationships, roles, and children’s upbringing.

Lesson Evaluation:

To evaluate the learning, the teacher asks pupils to:

  1. Define who working parents are.
  2. List two ways working parents influence family life.
  3. How do you help at home when your parents are at work?
  4. Why is it important for parents to work?
  5. What is one challenge children might face when their parents are always working?


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